We are back with the second patch of the day. In this release, we: [list][*]Fixed a bug where props in the hand would animate constantly.[/*][*]Fixed a bug where props turned into creatures would animate constantly.[/*][*]Fixed a tutorial where the keybinding information was not responding to settings changes.[/*][*]Minor fixes to wording in tutorials.[/*][*]Add help bar hints to assist with rotating tiles and props[/*][/list] For those who hadn’t seen the first two bugs, this is how dumb it looked. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/8bf20982aff514d7ba83c5995f124cb7076057ce.gif[/img] Really kills the space survival vibe when a crate is going full muppet! We have another release going through testing now, so come back tomorrow for new goodies. Ciao. BUILD-ID: 14438443 - Download Size: Win / Linux 2.8 MB / Mac OS 8.8 MB