Heya folks, we are reaching the end of bug month. This is our eleventh patch over the last twenty-one working days. We will now be switching back over to our usual mix of features, bugs, and general improvements. We’ll be writing about what we are up to in our [url=https://bouncyrock.com/news]dev-logs[/url], so if you are interested, be sure to follow us there. The bug we are fixing today is the… uh… lack of folders for unique creatures? Okay, okay, it’s a feature, not a bug release, but it’s still a fun one to wrap up the month with! It currently works the same way as the board folders do (including the limitations), and we will expand the functionality of both over time. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/305a2b3abb2715705c42c958ee9764d62825b609.gif[/img] We hope you find this handy. We love building this game and can’t wait to send more stuff your way. Do remember that we have a [url=https://www.twitch.tv/bouncyrock]stream on twitch[/url] this Friday, June 14, at 20:00 UTC. We have an event reminder set up on our discord here [url=https://t.co/FH5HQ2iz78]https://t.co/FH5HQ2iz78[/url] . We hope to see you there. Have fun! p.s. The board in the gif the lovely “Guildhall” by PsiaBaba: [url=https://talestavern.com/slab/townhall-guildhall/]https://talestavern.com/slab/townhall-guildhall/[/url]