This week we're adding a Compass and an initial version of the Photo Mode. You can open the photo mode by hitting F6. We've also added more graphics settings as well as UI Scaling. The UI scaling will require some work to be perfect, but hopefully, it will help with visibility. [b]New Features[/b][list] [*] Compass [*] PhotoMode [*] Graphics Settings [*] UI Scaling (Experimental) [/list] [b]Fixes[/b][list] [*] Players can now change their HP+Stats and Emote when it's not their turn in turn-based mode. [*] Flying pillars should no longer reveal when a creature is unhidden or loaded as hidden. [*] Changing player roles should no longer scale the UI. [/list] [b]Other[/b][list] [*] You can now rename a selected creature by hitting F3 [/list] Finally, there has been a directory change. The Taleweaver folder has been moved out of the TaleSpire_Data into the Game Root Folder. Till Next Time! [i]BUILD-ID: 5632745 - Download Size: 11.5 MB[/i]