[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/7ce0bbcf064174ffca0ec4ef311df8bc6140d550.jpg[/img] This update features creature scaling and general improvements to the Creature Controller. [list] [*] Added Radial Menu for Scaling Creatures. [*] Screen-shake and custom "feel" added to Large Creatures. [*] Creatures now avoid getting stuck in walls when dropping on top of other Creatures. [*] Carried Creatures now has an indicator for where it will drop. [*] Moving Creatures with the keyboard should yield correct results at higher and lower framerates. [*] ALT to Rotate Creature is now more forgiving. [*] Creature Rotation at lower framerate no longer twitch horribly. [*] Double Clicking on a Creature now transitions to the base of that Creature. [*] Moving the camera with the right mouse button while holding a creature now works. [*] Camera rotation and zooming is now Frame independent. [*] Mouse getting locked and spasming should be addressed when holding creatures. [*] Added some new icons in the radial menu. [*] Unique Creature is no longer held once placed from the Unique Creature List. [*] Spawning Creatures no longer puts you in Build Mode. [/list] Have fun with larger and smaller Creatures alike!