[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/aa78ff53202adca58ab5fa6280a39097b2aa0f94.gif[/img] [i]A fright lasts but a moment, but true horrors linger. Track them now with AOE markers.[/i] With the latest update, any ruler can be right-clicked and turned into an AOE that persists between play sessions and is even included in published boards. [previewyoutube=YL7gnBHOFGc;full][/previewyoutube] As work continues and we expand our toolbox of rulers, they will also be available as AOEs. We also have ideas for some fun visuals, but every feature has to start somewhere, and we are starting here :) Once again, some wonderful folks checked out the Beta giving excellent feedback. It all helps us keep TaleSpire on the right track. Along with this feature, we also have a couple of fixes: [list] [*] The clear search button works again [*] The line ruler now supports vertical and slide adjustment via the usual hotkeys [/list] Until next time everyone, We hope you have a great day. p.s. The awesome board in the video is [url=https://talestavern.com/slab/crypt-of-the-summoner-boss-battle-diorama/]"Crypt of the Summoner"[/url] by [url=https://talestavern.com/userprofile/1472/]Dustdown [/url]