It’s Beta time again! A chance to check out something that is coming down the pipe and also to find the things we broke! This time, we are adding the ability to add AoEs to the initiative list. [h3]How to join the Beta [/h3] The guide explaining how to join the Beta is here: [url=][/url] Be sure to read the “Critical Warnings” section before diving in. [h3]How it works[/h3] Here is a quick video showing how it works. The guide linked above has some more details if you are curious. [previewyoutube=sbQlQfrr_ls;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Next up, even more![/h3] Thank you for coming to check this out. We will keep this feature in Beta for one week to give enough time for some real testing. We have a new dice engine in the works and more assets coming down the line, so keep an eye out for those! We hope you enjoy the Beta. And we’ll see you in the bug reports!