Hey folks, This update to the Beta adds tinting, a graphical way to make an AOE from a ruler, and new icons. In this build, we also hide an AOE's dimensions until you hover over it. This reduces visual noise when there are lots of AOEs around. [previewyoutube=4cSBeUWueWU;full][/previewyoutube] Things we are still working on: [list] [*] We aren't yet satisfied with the tint colors [*] It's currently too easy to get rulers stuck inside tiles. [*] Seeing AOE handles through walls is almost always distracting. [/list] We have fixes for these issues in the works and are very interested in any feedback you have. This update clears all existing AOEs from the Beta. This lets us skip writing file format converters for this WIP feature. Not too long now until this ships. Then it's on to group movement :) Cheers p.s. Those interested in the latest happenings in dev land can check out the logs over here: [url=https://bouncyrock.com/news/articles/]https://bouncyrock.com/news/articles/[/url]