Update v9.9 Onscreen Hands, Networking Indicators & Updated UI!
Author: Kimiko,
published 7 years ago,
A new feature in this update is Onscreen Hands! This allows you to see and play from your hand from any position. This is great for those who prefer to have their hands in a static position on screen. Now everyone can have the best seat!
We also focused on figuring out where any networking issues are coming from, so we have added networking indicators next to your names on the top right, so you know exactly what’s going on.
Type /debug in chat and take screenshots of your readout if any networking issues come up. Use the following networking chat commands to help make adjustments when clients are connected.
[h1][b]Network Commands[/b][/h1][list]
[*] /networktickrate 20-120 (default 60) - this is how often the network will transmit data each second.
[*] /networkpackets 1-5 (default 2) - how many packets per tick to send out. Higher values make it so more objects can be synchronized each tick. (Host only command)
[*] /networkinterpolate 0-5 (default 1.1) - the amount of time for interpolation, increasing this value increases smoothness but also increases input lag for the clients. (Client only command)
[*] /networkquality 0-2 (0=high, 1=medium, 2=low) - changes the overall quality presets.
If you are having networking issue try:
/networkquality 2
This will require 4 times less bandwidth than the default.
Restarting the game will reset these commands to default.
[h1][b]Onscreen Hands[/b][/h1][list]
[*] New feature onscreen hands that allow you to see and manipulate your hand from any location.
[*] The onscreen hand functions just like it does normally.
[*] Everything you do in your onscreen hand will be shown in your regular hand, so other players will still know what you’re doing.
[*] This allows you to view your camera in any direction or zoomed in, yet still see your hands.
[*] Objects can also go in your onscreen hand.
[*] Mousing over an object in your hand will show you the full view of the object.
[*] When you pull cards & objects into your onscreen hand, you will see a line indicator so you know it is there and the max size it can be.
[*] If you want a larger onscreen hand, you will need to extend the size of your regular hand zone.
[*] Cards will scale based on the size of the hand zone.
[*] You can toggle the onscreen hand by pressing H.
[h1][b]Network Indicators[/b][/h1][list]
[*] Added new network icon indicators so you can tell what is happening with the host or client.
[*] Hover over the icons for more detailed info.
[*] The icons will show for each person, to show what your connection is to a particular person.
[*] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5854753/1176d30a3d9b2c8cc6169af5f6cb38e6f85b0334.png[/img] - This shows when you are connecting to this player.
[*] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5854753/e8023270accbeb6eb6d585045f5c20a64822d77a.png[/img] - This shows when you are connected to this player through Steam’s relay servers. Performance is not optimal.
[*] Open the following ports if you are still having connection/network issues:
UDP 3478 (Outbound)
UDP 4379 (Outbound)
UDP 4380 (Outbound)
[*] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5854753/137ba29e545528c6164b1e4a46f2afdbca3e7a46.png[/img] - This shows when you are disconnected from this player.
[h1][b]DLC - Darkest Night Improvements[/b][/h1][list]
[*] Updated tokens that needed to have the proper green & gold backs.
[*] Updated token rotations.
[*] Some tooltips have been updated.
[*] Some snap points have been adjusted.
[*] Added camera states for quick views.
[h1][b]UI Improvements[/b][/h1][list]
[*] Updated all custom content menus to match rest of UI.
[*] Updated chat settings to match rest of UI.
[*] Updated icons next to names to have outlines for better readability.
[h1][b]Scripting Improvements[/b][/h1][list]
[*] createInput()/editInput() added int tab (None = 1, Select Next = 2, Indent = 3)
[*] inputs now default to tab select next.
[*] Fixed issue pressing A with a controller resetting pointer position.
[*] Fixed issue with scripted movement of an object not always syncing to clients.
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