Update v12.3 Attach Tool, Server Browser & Search Improvements, and much more!
Author: Knil,
published 4 years ago,
Hey everyone, hope you are all doing ok in these crazy times! We have another great update for you guys today that adds a brand new tool called Attach which lets you stick objects together. We also have a much needed performance optimization on the server browser due to all the new players joining us! Welcome everyone new hope you all our enjoying the game! We have a ton more below in the full patch notes.
[h1][b]Attach Tool[/b][/h1]
[*]The new tool is used for combining objects into a single object.
[*]This attach is in a parent child relationship where one object is the owner of the other.
[*]Want to add modular pieces to your figures? This is the perfect tool.
[*]You might be thinking this sounds like the old joint tool but this lets you merge objects and even put them in and out of bags.
[*]This is also much more performant compared to the old joint tool because it's just one object with multiple visuals combined.
[h1][b]Combine Tools[/b][/h1]
[*]Includes the Attach, Fixed Joint (old joint tool), Hinge Joint, and Springs Joint tools.
[*]Exposes the Hinge Joint and Spring Joint tools without being hidden in a menu.
[*]Hinge joints are just like a door, but they can even have motors!
[*]Springs joints are just like sound objects are connect with a spring.
[*]All joint properties can be configured in the right click contextual menu -> Joints.
[h1][b]Server Browser[/b][/h1]
[*]Improved Server Browser performance.
[*]Server Browser window is now resizable.
[*]Server Browser search text is now persistent.
[*]Server Browser search now looks in country codes if you use square brackets, i.e. [b][GB][/b]
[*]Fixed some search bugs in Server Browser (also, see below).
Search inputs are now more powerful (applies to Server Browser and in-game Search dialog).
[*]Ignores case and inflections: [b]A[/b] and [b]รยก[/b] will both be found by [b]a[/b].
[*]Will filter to entries which match all space-separated words in search.
[*]Use comma to add another set of words.
[*]Start a word with [b]-[/b] to negate it, removing any entries which it matches.
[*]Negation only applies to the set of words it is grouped with.
[*]A set of words which are all negated will apply to every set of words.
Example: [b]gloom -fantasy, scythe, -casual[/b] will find any servers with "gloom" (but not "fantasy") or "scythe", so long as they do not contain "casual".
[h1][b]Spectator View[/b][/h1]
[*]Fixed alt-zoomed objects not displaying on spectator view.
[*]Fixed objects in hidden zones showing when view restricted.
[*]Spectator Zoom may appear at cursor or at a fixed position.
[*]Spectator Zoom may be restricted.
[*]See [b]System Console[/b] section for details.
[*]Changed [b]Wall Mode[/b] to [b]Tilt Mode[/b], and added [b]Tilt Angle[/b] setting.
[*]Special thanks to modzero for helping us track down a security vulnerability that we hotfixed.
[*]Added [b]Drag Selectable[/b] toggle to components: when disabled the object will not be included in a drag selection (unless [b]SHIFT[/b] held).
[*]Alt-zoomed books (i.e. PDFs) may now be page-turned with the mouse wheel.
[*]Split [b]Zoom Toggle[/b] key binding into [b]Zoom Toggle[/b] and [b]Pan[/b] actions.
[*]Alt-Zoom may now be fixed in place on the screen instead of following pointer (see [b]System Console[/b] section below)
[*]Made collapsed context menus more obvious.
[*]Added entry in Misc settings to set size of collapsed menus.
[*]Objects which can go in hand will be drawable by hitting [b]1[/b] on them, like cards etc. Can be disabled in Misc settings.
[*]Fixed context menus being stuck.
[*]Fixed turn indicator not displaying.
[*]Fixed scaling on custom figurine colliders.
[*]Fixed BBCode showing up in steam/discord rich presence.
[*]Fixed some UI theming issues.
[*]Fixed a bunch of bad interactions between 2D XML UI, 3D XML UI, the normal UI, and invisible objects. Everything should now behave as you would expect.
[h1]Object values[/h1]
Allows objects to behave similarly to poker chips: when set, the object will display its value when hovered over, and if multiple objects which share a flag are selected the total value will be displayed.
[*][b]object.value[/b] - integer value of object.
[*][b]object.value_flags[/b] - flags for object values.
[h1]Book objects (e.g. PDFs)[/h1]
[*][b]book.page_offset[/b] - Offset virtual book numbers are from numbers rendered on pages.
[*][b]book.getPage(offsetPageNumbering = false)[/b] - Get current page. If [b]offsetPageNumber[/b] is true then factor in the [b]page_offset[/b].
[*][b]setPage(page, offsetPageNumbering = false)[/b] - Set current page.
[*][b]setHighlight(x1, y1, x2, y2)[/b] - Set highlight box on current page.
[*][b]clearHighlight()[/b] - Clear highlight.
[h1]Browser objects (e.g. Tablet)[/h1]
[*][b]browser.url[/b] - URL which currently wants to display.
[*][b]browser.pixel_width[/b] - The pixel width the browser is virtually rendering to.
[h1]Attach Tool[/h1]
[*]To go along with the new Attach tool there is new Object functions available to create these bindings in script.
[*][b]object.addAttachment(Object)[/b] - The Object supplied as param is destroyed and becomes a dummy Object child.
[*][b]object.removeAttachment(index)[/b] - Use getAttachments() to find out the index property.
[*][b]object.destroyAttachment(index)[/b] - Use getAttachments() to find out the index property.
[*][b]object.removeAttachments()[/b] - Detaches the children of this Object.
[*][b]object.destroyAttachments()[/b] - Destroys the children objects without detaching them.
[*][b]object.getAttachments()[/b] - Returns a table in the same format as getObjects() for containers.
[h1]Grid Global Class[/h1]
[*]Grid options menu is now available to scripting as Grid.show_lines = true
[*][b]int type[/b]
[*][b]bool show_lines[/b]
[*][b]Color color[/b]
[*][b]float opacity[/b]
[*][b]bool thick_lines[/b]
[*][b]float offsetX[/b]
[*][b]float offsetY[/b]
[*][b]float sizeX[/b]
[*][b]float sizeY[/b]
[*][b]object.drag_selectable[/b] - Drag Selectable toggle of object.
[*][b]object.getSelectingPlayers()[/b] - Returns table of players currently selecting the object.
[*][b]object.addToPlayerSelection(player_color)[/b] - Add object to player's selection.
[*][b]object.removeFromPlayerSelection(player_color)[/b] - Remove object from player's selection.
[*][b]player.clearSelectedObjects()[/b] - Clears a player's current selection.
[*]Fixed [b]log[/b] not outputing to external API.
[h1][b]System Console[/b][/h1]
[*][b]cam_load[/b], [b]cam_load_zero[/b], [b]cam_save[/b], [b]cam_save_zero[/b] - Load and save camera positions.
[*][b]dev_autoconfirm_browser_url_change[/b] - Disables browser page load confirmation. Use with caution!
[*][b]hand_component_hotkey_draw[/b] - Controls whether objects which can go in hands will respond to the draw [b]1[/b] hotkey.
[*][b]load[/b] & [b]save[/b] - Load and save games.
[*][b]spectator_restrict_zoom[/b] - Restrict view of spectator zoom if object should be hidden to spectators.
[*][b]spectator_show_zoom[/b] - Display alt-zoom in spectator window.
[*][b]spectator_zoom_follows_pointer[/b] - Alt-zoom aopears at pointer position in spectator window.
[*][b]spectator_zoom_position[/b] - Position on spectator window alt-zoom appears if above is turned off.
[*][b]ui_context_menus_collapsed_height[/b] - Height of collapsed context menus.
[*][b]ui_games_window[/b] - Visibiliy of Games window.
[*][b]ui_server_browser_search[/b] - search text in Server Browser.
[*][b]ui_server_browser_window[/b] - Visibility of Server Browser window.
[*][b]zoom_position[/b] - Position on screen to display alt-zoom if above is disabled.
[*][b]zoom_follows_pointer[/b] - Alt-zoom follows mouse pointer.
[*][b]vr_tilt_mode[/b], [b]vr_tilt_angle[/b] - VR Tilt Mode toggle, and angle setting.