Hey everyone! As you can see, Tabletop Simulator is set to release on Steam Early Access on Friday, April 18. We are very excited about this release and hope you are too! Everyone who supported us either in the Kickstarter or by pre-ordering $10 or more, will receive their Steam keys by April 18th. Beta v.10 is now released! Since this is the last patch before the Steam Early Access release, we want to make sure we get all the issues taken care of before then. Please post any bugs, issues, feedback, and suggestions in the [url=http://www.berserk-games.com/forum/beta-feedback-1/166]Beta v.10 forum thread [/url]. [img]http://berserk-games.com/images/RPGset-small.png[/img] [b]Features[/b]:[list] [*]5 more RPG Figurines have been added Ogre, Chimera, Dragonide, Ghoul, Lizard Warrior [*]Dungeon tileset has been added, you can now build your ultimate RPG dungeon for your campaign [*]Dungeon tileset uses a grid system for placement to make it easy for you to create your dungeon, then you can lock it in place [*]Grid system has been added for Chess, Checkers, Reversi, and GO [*]Kimi Kat figurine has been been added [*]Server Browser now shows the current game mode and name of the player hosting, you can also block this player and they won't show up [*]You can now deal and reset each deck individually [*]People played with on steam show up under the recently played section within the steam overlay [*]Wood, Felt, and Glass surfaces now have different physics properties [*]There is now a private notepad if you need to keep track of something personal [/list] [b]Host options have been added: [/b][list] [*]Host can disable table flipping [*]Add or remove a password while the server is running [*]Gravity Slider has been moved into the host options menu [/list] [b]ALT has been redesigned as a modifier on an existing action: [/b][list] [*]Alt + RMB drops everything except the first object you picked (great for capturing a piece) [*]Alt + Q/E or Alt + Mouse Wheel rotates the object in the other axis (creating toppling dominoes or card towers) [*]Alt + Flip does an alternative axis flip [*]Alt + WASD Pans the camera instead of rotating it [*]Alt is no longer raises a piece that is now bound to 'R' - Raise object [*]Help menu has been update to reflect these changes [/list] [b]Bugs & Fixes: [/b][list] [*]Fixed colors getting stuck and not letting you choose it even though the slot was open [*]The table is now saved when saving and loading [*]UI Sounds are no longer 3D sounds [*]Chat message sound has been removed, connect and disconnect still has the sound [*]GUI window position should no longer get offset if you start a different resolution then fullscreen [*]Blocking/Banning a player stops them from being able to join your game and from showing up on the server browser [*]Spawn Menu back button takes you back one place instead going all the way back [*]Color Round Dice have been added to the spawn menu [*]Fixed Custom Board size [*]RPG figurine hit reactions are working again [*]Rat is now spawning correctly from menu [/list]