[h2][b]Eiji[/b][/h2] [h3]Role: Rogue[/h3] A swordsman who utilizes acrobatic movements to gain mobility and become stronger. He can easily adjust the distance towards enemies using special dash, and excels at fighting with a hit & retreat approach that he uses to overwhelm his enemies. [h2][b]Yuna[/b][/h2] [h3]Role: Support[/h3] A support character who can continually buff allies. These buffs depend on the state of her "Voltage Gauge", so it is crucial for her to keep singing as she fills this gauge. [previewyoutube=f_y5yv7iIQU;full][/previewyoutube] [h2][b]LLENN[/b][/h2] [h3]Role: Rogue[/h3] A highly mobile shooter who excels in close- and medium-range combat. Approaching the enemy with tremendous speed, she strikes with an overwhelming number of attacks, using everything from submachine guns and even a knife. [h2][b]Fukaziroh[/b][/h2] [h3]Role: Ranger[/h3] A grenadier who adapts to any battle fields, together with her grenade launchers, Rightony and Leftania, she will blast away enemies. She can also support allies by creating healing fields. [previewyoutube=l8eqnh4awEE;full][/previewyoutube] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1858630/SWORD_ART_ONLINE_Fractured_Daydream/