[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33586940/733b7132dcbe644d383355a4d7e049f07e25ad4f.jpg[/img] We heard all your requests for the "Snep'' on Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Steam, Facebook, ResearchGATE, MySpace, and Friendster, so the Super Snow Leopard has finally arrived as the last breed of the CRISPRmas event and 2019. We tip our super hats to everyone who discovered the Super Snow Leopard ice sculpture in the Penguin Palace in advance of the reveal ;). [url=https://www.facebook.com/animalroyale/videos/2242468299388160][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33586940/ff7187b57239fcbe344abf0f7c687f8dbc26c621.png[/img][/url] [i]However you celebrate the holidays, we hope you’ve had a wonderful December so far with friends and family. We've made a little video on how we celebrate CRISPRmas here in Super Animal World that we think you might enjoy (view on [url=https://twitter.com/AnimalRoyale/status/1209896987358879744]Twitter[/url], [url=https://www.facebook.com/animalroyale/videos/2242468299388160]Facebook[/url] and [url=https://www.instagram.com/p/B6hyvrdjHvD/]Instagram[/url]).[/i] Alongside the Super Snow Leopard, the final 5 challenges have unlocked for the Super CRISPRmas event, and their rewards are themed for New Years! You'll have until [b]Sunday, January 5th at 11:59pm[/b] to unlock all [b]15 challenge rewards[/b], and all [b]9 rewards for collecting presents[/b] (all 3 weeks of challenges can be completed throughout the event). Thank you so much again for making this such a memorable first year in Early Access. You really are the most amazing community of gamers we've played with in any game (not just because we're biased) and we can't wait to reveal all the surprises we have in store for 2020! Now that our big Halloween and CRISPRmas events are nearing their end, the team is focusing on our core roadmap to expand game features/mechanics, storytelling, and social features. Merry CRISPRmas and see you all in 2020, Super Animals! <3 [previewyoutube=eRD8v3QQGNU;full][/previewyoutube]