[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33586940/865a0d6f1623ca241a4f4e5d4a79f3dc2dbd7196.jpg[/img] In the next SAR update later this year we’ll be debuting a new netcode for SAR that has been in the works since early 2021, so we’re looking for your help testing it in a Public Test Realm (PTR) to make sure it’s working as intended! The main goal of the new netcode is to provide more stability in matches, less desynchronization, and an overall more polished experience. The PTR will be running from now until this Monday at 5pm PDT and everyone will play together, with the PTR automatically switching between regions based on prime times in each region: [list] [*] NA: 2pm PDT to 11pm PDT [*] AS: 11pm PDT to 7am PDT (aka 15:00 to 23:00 in JST, UTC+9) [*] EU: 7am PDT to 2pm PDT (aka 16:00 to 23:00 in Central European Summer Time) [/list] Each time you hit play the game mode will be randomized, switching between all modes including mystery mode. [h1]Steps to join the PTR[/h1] Participants in the PTR will be rewarded with [b]3,000 Carl Coins[/b] shortly after it ends! To opt in, follow these steps: [olist] [*] Right click SAR and go to Properties. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33586940/2931bdb2609081ecd383f8de00458559488e1867.jpg[/img] [*] Go to the Beta tab and select "netptr - test" from the dropdown. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33586940/ce5fa0fff44a14a3083080177c56bd31e7dafeee.png[/img] [*] Download and begin playing! The version number in-game will be 1.6.1. Feel free to [url=https://forms.gle/9dXGAjPoucYXwxJE7]leave feedback and report bugs to this form here[/url] and in the [url=https://discord.gg/animalroyale]#ptr-feedback Discord channel[/url]. [/olist] [h1]Why new netcode?[/h1] The current netcode has served SAR well for bringing together 64 players in action-packed matches. However, with lag and unstable connections, it can struggle to reconcile players in a way that appears smooth and expected. As well, players who might be experiencing packet loss have no real indication of this themselves, while other players will see them jitter and stutter. The new netcode remedies this by using a fixed timestep, clientside prediction and rollback. While the old netcode used clientside prediction, the new netcode is able to do a much better job synchronizing between client/server and making a smooth experience for all players. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33586940/5b7dd05adce9e7d6bd871af54f1e9df3493b3527.gif[/img] The game should feel the same as before, but under the hood it is running the game engine on fixed time intervals whilst interpolating visuals so that they look smooth. Things such as seeing other players in hamster balls or riding emus as a passenger will look more natural and fluid. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33586940/9ac40b7f418a529535c043ad71a8fe18cabb74b2.gif[/img] The new netcode operates by having your client simulate ahead of the server by ping/2 + one buffer frame. Your inputs are simulated locally and then sent to the server just before it reaches the same frame. The server runs its logic with all gathered inputs from players, and then snapshots are sent back to clients and reconciled. For the most part you won’t notice this reconciliation, unless the server’s simulation differs. It should also be noted that the netcode will detect if you are experiencing packet loss or ping spikes and will add buffer frames so that your inputs still arrive on time. In the PTR you will be able to see server and client tick numbers in the top right of the screen: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33586940/8496d14a9f0cfb33580ba16dba51f986a7d8f1f1.jpg[/img] These numbers reflect the last server tick you have received, and how many ticks ahead your client is simulating. If your tick lead needs to speed up or slow down you will see it briefly change colors to green and red respectively. It is important to preface this netcode change by saying that lag itself will not go away. Being hit in the past is still a function of ping and clientside movement. However, dealing with unpredictable warping and other player lag issues will be fixed for the most part. High ping mode will also still be functioning the same as before. Here's a list of many of the changes and fixes to look forward to: [list] [*] Parachute diving is now clientside predicted and immediate. [*] Other parachuting players no longer rubber-band at edges of the screen while you are in the eagle. [*] Emoting is predicted and immediate. [*] The bug where people appear to stutter in the lobby or have the sit emote canceled is fixed. [*] Banana slipping is clientside predicted (so no sliding backwards into the banana). [*] No more sliding through wall issues when viewing laggy players. [*] Emus and unoccupied hamster balls will no longer have player collisions. [*] Exiting hamster balls is clientside predicted. May include entering as well in a future update. [*] Hit registration will be more reliable and have less occurrences of shots rejected by the server. [*] Healing and taping are both clientside predicted (not waiting on server to start). [*] Double taping sound from other players is fixed. [*] Healing is smooth rather than on 0.5s intervals. [*] Rare bug where players could get stuck drinking health juice is fixed. [*] Bots can now move while healing. [*] Bots will not roll while trying to reload (they were canceling reloads too often). [*] Fixed rare desync of eagle flight if you had a period of game lag. [*] Fixed the bug where you would see people shoot while holding a melee weapon. [*] Player movement state (standing, walking) is predicted properly as shown below: [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33586940/8f53021a0db11dae31427c0638d597b3e1291a2f.gif[/img] We hope you all have a good experience testing the new netcode in the PTR! If you have feedback or discover any bugs please [url=https://forms.gle/9dXGAjPoucYXwxJE7]post them in this form[/url] or in the [url=https://discord.gg/animalroyale]#ptr-feedback channel in our Discord[/url].