[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44441571/ffb5ef14ee4fffac4a2752d15f991e0566396864.png[/img] [h1]Hello Summer Lovers![/h1] Exciting news! I’m happy to say I finally have a release date for SUMMERHOUSE: the game will launch via Steam on [b]March 8th![/b] [h3]Thank you for everything so far[/h3] As you may know, SUMMERHOUSE is my first ever project as a solo indie developer. Going in, I thought this would be a tiny project in between bigger team efforts as a sort of creative palette cleanser, but the love and support you have shown for my little game went above and beyond all my expectations. Thank you so much for your encouragement and patience during the final stretch to launch. I’m really excited to share the finished game with you all in a couple weeks! <3 All the best, Friedemann