Hey there! Sumerian Six is coming along nicely. Based on the feedback we received from everyone enjoying the demo, we made a bunch of changes to the game, which is why we thought we'd update it to the latest version. This new demo build comes with more than a handful of tweaks and fixes and should make for a more enjoyable Nazi-hunting experience. Please continue sharing your feedback with us here on the Steam community or on our Discord. It's absolutely invaluable. We'll have some major news to share this month, so stay tuned for more! Artificer Dev Team [h1]DEMO UPTADE CHANGELOG[/h1] [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*] The game should no longer freeze nor crash in the second part of the Lilleby level, if the player successfully killed a nazi patrol with a murderous truck earlier [*] A number of improvements to enemy behaviour were made, particularly in the case of group patrols encountered in the demo, who had trouble adapting to all the cool, but difficult to comprehend abilities thrown at them by members of the Enigma Squad [*] The soldier near the watermill on the Löwenfels Castle level should no longer become an unscripted nazi zombie under certain conditions [*] Einar Pedersen should no longer attempt to engage in strange conversations with his already electrocuted nazi companion on the Lilleby level [*] Enemies should enter their silent search state correctly after witnessing an environmental kill when the game is loaded [*] Enemies should no longer take strange and repeated interest in their previously discovered companions who had perished in environmental kills, after loading a save file [*] Player characters, under certain conditions, should no longer be invisible to enemies in silent search state [*] Double-click behaviour for sprinting has been improved [*] Player characters should no longer be blocked under certain conditions after the game is loaded from the main menu while climbing ladders [*] Player characters should no longer be able to drop carried bodies while going through doors or passages, which sometimes resulted in further movement being blocked [*] Enemies should get tangled in ladders much less often (please note that we're still working on some corner cases) [*] Switching viewcones of enemies while in active pause mode should now work as expected [*] Sid should no longer be able to enter a stairway to heaven state after attempting to climb the ladder near the watermill on the Löwenfels Castle level [*] Izzie should no longer refuse to unlock all of her abilities if the player decides to leaveher behind and progress only with Sid on the Löwenfels Castle level [*] Izzy should no longer erratically flap her arms when attempting to use her Swap Places ability. Why so dramatic, Sis? [*] Rosa should no longer delay her crouch to flex a bit after viciously dissolving her foes into thin air [*] Loading the game should no longer break highlights [*] Ability buttons should no longer remain in pressed state under certain conditions (i.e. alt-tabbing), effectively forcing you to restart the game and perhaps hating us just a tiny bit [*] Tutorial popups should no longer display blank squares instead of actual icons [*] Pressing [ESC] while in map view now properly closes the map instead of invoking the pause menu [*] A number of issues with audio sometimes acting unpredictably (crackling) should now be fixed [*] Combat music should no longer persist if the game is quick loaded the moment you get caught with your pants down deep into enemy trenches. [*] Music previously disabled in audio settings should no longer unmute itself after loading a save file [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*] The game went through another optimization pass, which should result in better frame rates across the board and reduced startup time, particularly for players using hard disk drives. An additional loading screen has been added for those who still find themselves wondering if the black screen on startup means that their screen went kaputt [*] Skills, their upgrades and XP values have been rebalanced across the board based on feedback we’ve been receiving so far [*] Save limit from hard difficulty was lifted. You were right, it was badly communicated, which led to bad experience. We might restore it in the future, while making sure that the number of available save slots is communicated properly. [*] Rebinding panel to change controls was added [*] Controller support was added (we're still working on it, and we'll appreciate any constructive feedback). In addition, a number of settings to fine-tune controller behaviour were added [*] Behaviour of ability upgrade popups was improved, particularly for cases in which you masterfully manage to trigger two upgrades at the same time [*] Minimap maximum zoom out level was increased, giving you a better overview of what's actually going on in the world [*] The ammo depot puzzle on the Löwenfels Castle level has been slightly redesigned to be a bit more fair and interesting. [*] The toon outline and shading were refined, and options to toggle them were added [*] Colour-blind modes were added [*] Fullscreen map on zoom out option was added [*] Player character markers option was added [*] Enemy visibility indicator option was added [*] Border scrolling option was added [*] Clamp mouse to window option was added [*] Auto camera follow option was added [*] Mouse drag rotation speed option was added [*] The game is now paused when the bug reporting tool is invoked, giving you the chance to lay it all on us without nervously looking over your keyboard [/list] [h1][b]Important notes:[/b][/h1] [list] [*] Please be advised that your saved games from the old version of the demo will, most likely, not be compatible with the updated demo at all [*] If you tried out the previous version of the demo, we strongly advise you to clear the Saved folder in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\SumerianSixDemo before launching the updated demo, in order to avoid any conflicts, particularly with the game settings [/list]