[h2]Options[/h2] [list] [*]Added invert mouse toggle [*]Added push to talk [*]Added depth of field toggle [/list] [h2]Minor Changes[/h2] [list] [*]Added a transmit success sound to the morse panel [*]Added a game over sound [*]Added a "leaving biosphere soon" alert sound [*]Slightly increased the morse timeline sweep time [*]Item sway is now scaled based on sensitivity. (Fixes extreme item sway when playing on low sensitivity) [*]Changed secure door interaction text. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed an issue where the cove music would play while at sea [*]Fixed a bug where the morse dot and dit sounds would be desynced on clients [*]Fixed a bug where the slop deposit sound would play twice [*]Fixed a bug where the slop deposit sound would play when the vat is full [*]Fixed a bug where the item pickup sound would play when the inventory is full [*]Fixed a bug where clients could not hear the sub docking lever sound [*]Fixed a bug where two players could occupy the morse panel at once [*]Fixed a bug where the sub monster growls could still be heard when not in the sub [*]Fixed a bug that would cause the fear sting to play too often [*]Fixed an issue where music would only play once on clients [/list]