The new demo is up! [b]Here are some of the main changes[/b] [list] [*] Improved swimming controls [*] Swim turn mechanic (enable in settings) [*] New grab mechanic [*] New shop menu available while swimming [*] New progression display for each area [*] Improved translations [*] Items are now a permanent purchase [/list] [b]Important changes for Index users[/b] [list] [*] Hands are now properly aligned [*] Grab now works properly, just squeeze the controllers lightly [*] Haptics are now working [*] The motion vignette now works, show diving mask only works on Oculus unfortunately [*] Triggers now only need to be pressed halfway to register [/list] Note: [i]Many core things have changed so you will have to make new profiles, the watch is no longer available in the demo, you will find it in the full game[/i] Let me know if you encounter any issues