[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5312/5d3b73bf575f335098fe90fc6bcc17e3b6ecbd47.gif[/img] This Steam Community group has been neglected. For eight years, we forgot it existed. Before this post, the last update was from [url=https://steamcommunity.com/id/flayra]Flayra[/url] in January 2010, offering [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/4920/Natural_Selection_2/]Natural Selection 2[/url] pre-orders! It's time to bring it back to life. Back in 2010, [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/264710/Subnautica/]Subnautica[/url] wasn't even a twinkle in anyone's eye. NS2 hadn't topped Steam on Halloween. People were using iPhone 3's. Windows 7 was only a few months old. This is a vintage Steam Community, and resurrecting it is an opportunity for reflection. Since 2010, Unknown Worlds has been through a lot. We've navigated near-death financial valleys to the heady heights of #1 top-seller on Steam. Our team size has grown from around 10 to around 40. We've gotten a little older, a little wiser, and formed firm friendships as a team. Through it all, the consistent force behind our survival and success has been you. You've hurled [url=https://twitter.com/uwedev]feedback on Twitter[/url], debated [url=https://discord.gg/9HBG7qH]design on Discord[/url], reviewed [url=https://trello.com/b/yxoJrFgP/subnautica-development]roadmaps on Trello[/url], shared [url=https://youtube.com/unknownworlds]trailers on YouTube[/url], endured horrific Early Access bugs, delayed updates, awful frame rates, and so much more. Your engagement with the development process is the critical secret sauce. Without all of you, our games would probably suck. To everyone that has followed us since 2010, and before, and to everyone that is with us now, and to those thinking of joining us in future, thank you. We're pumped to keep making great games with you. [url=https://twitter.com/uwedev]- Unknown Worlds[/url] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5312/5aa7d6ce45ef85f1e47591e83e0528df6dfefd3d.gif[/img]