[img]http://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/files/2014/11/floaters-618x347.jpg[/img] Those little pink thingies? Yep, you can play with those. And make things float. They're called floaters, and are not hiding around the world. Here is blog post with updates on all sorts of Subnautica development stuff, including Steam Early Access: http://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/subnautica-dev-update-3-early-access/ A new Subnautica development build is now available, and will automatically download to your Steam library. If you want to join in the underwater adventure, you can buy Subnautica Special Edition at http://subnauticagame.com. You can see our development progress [url=https://trello.com/b/yxoJrFgP/subnautica]right here[/url], and view all checkin and changes [url=http://subnautica.unknownworlds.com/#/subnautica/checkins]here[/url]. There were 60 changes since last update, from small fixes to missing shaders to additions of entire new creatures, like the Floater. Enjoy! And be sure to tell us what you think by using the F8 feedback system!