A Flood of Dead Bugs
Author: Hugh,
published 8 years ago,
Some Subnautica updates are flashy, fancy, and full of fantastic features. Some of them are a little more low key, delivering subtle changes and improvements. Today, we’ve released an update of the latter kind. There is one new feature: the Flood Light. Otherwise, it’s chock full of dead bugs.
The Flood Light is a new craft-able item, added by [url=http://twitter.com/sewlek]Andi[/url]. When placed, it will illuminate a large area. You might find it particularly useful for illuminating work areas around Seabases at night. After the Aurora explodes, search for a Flood Light fragment in amongst the wreckage that flies out and lands on the sea floor.
Elsewhere, [url=http://twitter.com/max_mcguire]Max[/url] has made a significant graphical improvement. Previously, lots of objects in the game were reflecting a Safe Shallows environment, no matter what biome they were actually in. Now, scenes appear more cohesive. He are two examples. First, a Seamoth in a Kelp Forest:
And second, a Seabase in a Grand Reef:
The full list of bugs squashed in this update is far too long to post here. There are over fifty of them, and you can see them all on the [url=https://trello.com/b/eLEWpq3P/subnautica-playtesting]Subnautica Playtesting Trello board[/url]. Go there, and then scroll to the 'Fixed & Tested Jan Patches' list. Feast your eyes on the bug gore!
The [url=https://trello.com/b/eLEWpq3P/subnautica-playtesting]Playtesting board[/url] is a great place to keep up to date on what issues are known, and being worked on. If you spot a problem not listed on the board, please let us know about it! Then, we can sink it in a future Subnautica Early Access update.
Happy diving!
- [url=http://twitter.com/hugh_jeremy]Hugh[/url]