[h1]Applications Now Open![/h1] Winter is coming. It is time to gird your loins and join the [i]Stronghold Crusader 2[/i] European Tournament hosted by Firefly superfan and strategy YouTuber SergiuHellDragoon! Sign up now and within weeks you will be locking horns with Stronghold players of all skill levels, with exclusive prizes on offer for those who stand victorious when the dust settles: [b][u]Winner[/u][/b] [list][*]All AI Character DLC [*]Signed boxed copy of Crusader 2 [*]Stronghold Crusader 2 T-Shirt (Medium)[/list] [b][u]Runner-Up[/u][/b] [list][*]First AI Character DLC [*]Signed boxed copy of Crusader 2 [*]Stronghold Crusader 2 T-Shirt (Medium)[/list] [b][u]Semi-Finalists[/u][/b] [list][*]First AI Character DLC [*]Signed boxed copy of Crusader 2 [*]Stronghold Crusader 2 Lanyard[/list] To enter simply fill out the tournament sign-up sheet by 17:00 GMT on November 18th - [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/134UNmIVcYb3iqeB0Yz0wvbA0nFP0Ef1iMGV7Ksnssbg/viewform]Application Form[/url] The tournament will begin on Monday November 24th and feature 63 matches in total, with the grand final streamed live on Wednesday December 18th. This schedule is designed to give players enough time to practice before the tournament and between matches. You do not need to live in Europe to take part in the tournament, but to allow us to referee games matches will be held daily between 17:00 and 21:30 GMT. The Christmas Tournament will accept a total of 64 contestants, who will be chosen randomly on November 17th from the pool of applicants. If you are lucky enough to be selected, you will receive an email with the tournament schedule and the date and time of your first match. All applicants must send a friend request to our official Crusader 2 tournament Steam account to confirm availability during the tournament hours and allow us to referee matches - [url=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198162076898]Steam Account[/url] [b]Please Note[/b]: If you do not complete the application form, agree to the tournament hours and add our tournament account as a friend on Steam we cannot accept your application. Full details of the tournament format and rule set can be found here - [url=http://www.sergiuhelldragoon.com/stronghold-crusader-2-european-christmas-tournament/]Contest Rules[/url] The tournament winners will be announced on December 19th, with the final match streamed live the day before. To honour the most fierce Stronghold warriors, the final eight games will be published to both our YouTube channel and Sergiu’s. This is your chance to defeat some of the world’s greatest Crusader 2 Lords and be crowned European Champion!