[h1]Win a Lifetime's Supply of Stronghold Games![/h1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RE81HT_Zkc With full Workshop support added as part of the Steam Edition update, it's easier than ever to share your iconic castles, historic battlegrounds and epic fantasy landscapes! With over a hundred maps uploaded since launch we're encouraging further historic (re)creation by running our very own custom map competition! Demonstrate your creativity, technical design skills and ingenuity to the Stronghold community and you could win a lifetime’s supply of Firefly Studios games! For your chance to win follow these simple steps: [olist] [*]Run Steam. [*]Open the Stronghold 2: Steam Edition in-game Map Editor. [*]Design your custom map. [*]Save the map by clicking ‘File’ and ‘Save As’, naming it whatever you like. [*]Publish to Steam Workshop by clicking ‘File’ and ‘Publish to Steam Workshop’. [*]Write a short description, add all tags that fit your map and make sure you’ve selected the ‘Everyone’ option in the Visibility section. [*]Click ‘Publish’ and check your map appears on the Stronghold 2 Steam Workshop. [*]Send an email with a link to your custom map to news@fireflyworlds.com. [/olist] New to the Map Editor? Check out the above video tutorial! [b]Please Note[/b]: We can only accept maps that were submitted between October 16th and October 30th. Maps submitted before or after these dates will not be considered for selection in the competition. After October 30th we will play and evaluate each submitted map choosing two players as our winner and runner-up, both of which will be announced and spotlighted on the official Firefly Studios website, Facebook and Twitter pages. Our winner will be blessed with a lifetime’s supply of Firefly Studios games, while our honourable runner-up will be sent the Ultimate Edition of Stronghold Crusader 2!