A terrible spell has been cast over your innocent peasants with the arrival of our Steam Edition Halloween updates! Something horrible has happened to your faithful subjects, their once endearing visage twisted and corrupted by the artists at Firefly Studios. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//3953152/ab02f030e065a15fb7a943fb96cff2726ee54898.png[/img] Your only hope is to resist the temptation to hollow out and decorate their new noggins, instead putting them to work away from your corrupted keep. You could try burning your problems away with the new wholly cosmetic green wildfire, although we’re told the curse can only be lifted by those who cast it… [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//3953152/d10c6bc3c2a36b5e8b869b9bc784c6f5cef23e95.png[/img] The Stronghold Halloween updates are now available on Steam for players who have downloaded the latest versions of Stronghold 2 and Stronghold Legends. This event will last one week with the above spooky changes in place until November 5th. After this the spell will break, your peasants returning to normal and the eternal green fire becoming regular garden variety not-at-all-magic fire once again. Happy Halloween! https://store.steampowered.com/app/40960/Stronghold_2_Steam_Edition/