Gonna be in Vancouver on June 28? Come help us celebrate the launch of Street Uni X! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43164999/ce60e80adb8bb1ab93f1557d73acb76262a30069.png[/img] Featuring: [list] [*] A selection of games that daffodil has made, as well as ones that have resonated from their communities, curated by daffodil and Heart Projector. [*] Musical performances by [b]Never Plenty[/b], [b]Emma Goldman[/b], and [b]Terrifying Girls' High School[/b]! [*] Hands-on with the Steam launch version of Street Uni X.  [*] A public broadcast of the stunning Street Uni X trailer. [*] [b]Good Dogs Plant Food[/b] vegan hot dog food truck on site. [/list] [url="https://sux.gammaspace.ca/"]Full details on the live event page here[/url]!