[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/3099bd1d1ed82c94b50ea2e6999aa89b87ef7f54.png[/img] [h3]Dive into the newest major content release for Stone Story RPG: The Quest Update. Available now![/h3] [previewyoutube=ufJbtYvV8Mo;full][/previewyoutube] Launching with [b]four all-new adventures[/b], the Quest Update will take players on journeys spanning the breadth of the Dark World. Uncover mysteries both magnificent and mundane as you meet old friends, wield powerful new artifacts, and get up to plenty of mischief. (Keep an eye out for a new achievement as well!) Content that launches today is only the beginning. [b]Updates will continue over the next few months[/b] as we add content and events to the game; you can look forward to something new nearly every week! [i]Several balance changes have also been patched into the game. For further reading on what’s changed, please see the full release notes: [url=https://stonestoryrpg.com/releasenotes/]https://stonestoryrpg.com/releasenotes/[/url][/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/e1bb44bf24547ff2d7efb90bf403e63cba13dad4.png[/img] So what exactly are Quests? Good Quest-ion! (hohoho) [b]Quests are self-contained adventures that can be played alongside the main story content.[/b] Accessed in-game via the Quest Stone, they can be split up into two types: [b]Basic Quests[/b] and [b]Legends[/b]. Basic Quests present players with a goal (e.g. “Kill 45 Mosquitos”) that, upon completion, will reward you with a small loot haul. Legends, however, are much larger in scale. Legends are full narrative adventures that put players in contact with curious characters, both new and old. The Dark World is fraught with peril, and sometimes you need a reliable Stonehead to get the job done. [b]In exchange, you’ll be rewarded with powerful prizes (not all of them items!).[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/771f03d19cd6cc70dc032c322fbff14fee3c07c4.gif[/img] Our primary focus when creating the Quest system was twofold: to further flesh out the Dark World and give players more choice with how to progress. While Stone Story allows for grinding, we found that people would simply farm locations to bruteforce their way through a difficult encounter. Now with Quests, players can pursue different options for progression. [b]Earn powerful loot while embarking on adventures throughout the realm.[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/6f77e4540df391bcdcea4ba7618ae09ca8c80db8.gif[/img] The Quest Update launches with a batch of Basic Quests and [b]4 Legends[/b]: [list] [*] [b]Croaked:[/b] From the Deadwood Canyon, a symphony of croaks dance across the water, led by a conductor of annoyed moans. Investigate the disturbance! [*] [b]Stone-Head: A Roof Overhead:[/b] There's a knocking at your shelter door, followed by the quick patter of footfalls. Someone may be in need of your help. [*] [b]Bad Business:[/b] A panic-scrawled note from Lootmeister Hans beckons you back to the Mushroom Shop. What could have Hans in such a hurry? [*] [b]Throwing Stones:[/b] A lone Pusher has been spotted by the Deadwood River, a remnant of those who did not make the climb. Perhaps it’s worth talking to them. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/d3c933944542faa76f4682b951fa8c7928ebf065.gif[/img] There are a total of [b]16 Legends,[/b] the rest of which will be released over the following months along with in-game events and challenges. Make sure to be on the lookout for new additions to Stone Story! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/14db89c84cd921b72cdce78872d265d2fef6d97f.png[/img] Thank you to everyone who participated in StoneJam 4! We had some great submissions that we're very eager to check out. Here are just a few of the entries we received: [h3]Cozy Cave by link2_thepast[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/74922e9794a9917daf4ebd781634ddb5feb75441.gif[/img] [h3]Doom Style Face HUD by Franklin Ludo[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/952a4aa593adcf96ba1d9602907392cd4fd8a62c.png[/img] [h3]Knight by Mind Stone Thief (with help from standardcombo, Gergő, and xx)[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/a5ae8ab5859a5b8428d268bad837217a2c2b2114.gif[/img] We're excited that so many people created such awesome scripts! We've got more entries to share, so keep an eye out for a StoneJam 4 showcase soon. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/219b58a4ea2c48a98d25c9273a0c51912729e594.png[/img] The Quest Update is something we’ve been working on for a long while now, and we’re still not done! As it was for all of you, the past couple years have been challenging to both work and live in. The reality of the situation is that Stone Story RPG is and always has been a passion project. Without you, our community, we would not be where we are today, nor would we still be working on this game after all this time. We believe in Stone Story and we’re so glad to see that many of you do too. Stone Story RPG launched into Early Access over 2 years ago and it’s been an incredible journey every step of the way. For indie game developers, that journey is an uphill climb with obstacles and obstructions (ones that we oftentimes don’t see until they happen!). This is our biggest content release to date, and there are so many talented people that made it possible. From all of us on the team: Thank you for playing. We’re just getting started with The Quest Update and we can’t wait to share more! [i]-SSRPG Team[/i]