[h2]Stone Story RPG's Hamartia Event Returns[/h2] An odd wind blows once again-- Stone Story RPG’s Hamartia Event returns! [i] From now until June 16, participate in the limited in-game event![/i] For the Hamartia Challenge, the game’s bosses will gain new resistances (while some will gain new weaknesses). Use the Sight Stone to aid you, but don’t get too comfortable: [b]every day at noon (local time) these attributes change. [/b] Read below to see what this new set of challenges entails. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/dfe9e03887102c5bbe41080c65ad1b45937d5cc7.png[/img] While boss immunities are random each day, [b]they are the same for all players.[/b] Collaborate with others on the Steam community forums or [url=http://discord.gg/StoneStoryRPG]the official Discord server[/url] to efficiently tackle these goals! For the duration of the event, [i]rerolling enchantments will cost 90% less Ki. [/i]Use this opportunity to experiment with each new day of rotating boss resistances. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/ad8898031ec8e80695cb0c46325c1a3465386091.gif[/img] We're also excited to share that we've added a few new systems and QoL features to the game: [list] [*]Players will now have access to a cloud save system for easy backups and transfer of save data between devices [*]Leaderboards were implemented a few patches ago and have now been reset! Leaderboards are no long coupled with offline farm times and will thus score differently. [*]More changes can be found in the release notes here: [url=https://stonestoryrpg.com/releasenotes/]https://stonestoryrpg.com/releasenotes/[/url] [/list] --- -SSRPG Team [h3][url=https://twitter.com/StoneStoryRPG] Stone Story RPG Twitter[/url] [url=discord.gg/stonestoryrpg]Stone Story RPG Discord[/url][/h3]