[h2]StoneJam Returns[/h2] It’s been quite some time, but we’re happy to announce that [b]StoneJam makes its return on September 18![/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/547ed1dc73dda0dcb00a63b8f2056cbadef30fb4.gif[/img] StoneJam has been a wonderful way for the community to create scripts, mini-games, utility features, animations, cosmetics, and so much more using Stone Story RPG’s in-game scripting language, Stonescript. [b] StoneJam 7 will take place from Wednesday, September 18 to Monday, September 30. [/b]The theme this time around will be centered around the floating city of Acropolis, the legendary city of gods, scholars, and storms. [url=https://discord.com/channels/423242655498240000/1283244890129694843]Click here to join the StoneJam 7 discussion [/url] Players are invited to craft cosmetics, stories and minigames inspired by the various districts and ancient wonders of Acropolis, such as: [list] [*] Leuce’s Courtyard [*] University of the Moon [*] Storm Street [*] The Cistern Arena [*] The Fairweather Faire [*] Stonehead Factory [*] The Grand Treasury [/list] These are just some of the locations to be featured in Acropolis, but the city is large and sprawling! Any new areas or parts of the city you can envision, the Dark World is yours to shape. Submissions are open to anyone and everyone, and the themes are only meant to serve as guidance. However, if your submission sticks to the theme you could potentially receive higher rewards as well as the opportunity to help shape the world design of Stone Story RPG's next big additions like Acropolis, which will soon be making its long-awaited appearance in-game! Are you a mobile user? Stonescript look too intimidating? Check out the links below to help make mobile Stonescripting an easier experience: [url=https://stonestoryrpg.com/stonescript/]Mindstone Tutorial[/url] [url=https://discord.com/channels/423242655498240000/1283244890129694843/1284006117139157043]Tools for Mobile Stonescripting[/url] [url=https://discord.com/channels/423242655498240000/597668520888762388/1234924102897107044] Advanced Guide to Setting Up Local Files on Mobile[/url] [url=https://discord.com/channels/423242655498240000/1165084075426586734]And see what kind of submissions people made for the last StoneJam here[/url] More details about the theme to follow on the 18th. We look forward to seeing what you all create! [h2]Upcoming Updates[/h2] At long last, challenge is getting ANOTHER new color! Green Difficulty will soon be arriving in Stone Story RPG. Keep an eye out on our channels, something green this way comes… [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/e9324fb7f9a227067007e9444e2e7f5e0a296081.png[/img] --- -SSRPG Team [url=https://twitter.com/StoneStoryRPG] Stone Story RPG Twitter[/url] [url=discord.gg/stonestoryrpg]Stone Story RPG Discord[/url]