[h2]Lunar New Year Sale[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/445c9f9bbee2dd7a93b695294f01d61df74de179.png[/img] Get that rat! In celebration of the Lunar New Year, [u][b]Stone Story RPG will be on sale for 20% off until January 27th.[/b][/u] [i](no rats were harmed in the making of this promotional material)[/i] [h2]The Road to 3.0[/h2] Thanks to some additional help that we took on, we've been making steady progress towards the next content patch. Several new features have been added to Stonescript with more on the way. Some of these features include: [list] [*]Importing of external scripts [*]?ai states [*]else/elseif operators [*]... and more! [/list] New content is constantly being tested on our beta branch. If you want to discuss the beta updates with other players, be sure to join our Discord! - [url=discord.gg/StoneStoryRPG]discord.gg/StoneStoryRPG[/url] [h2]Fan Creation Spotlight [/h2] Did you know that Stone Story RPG has gotten fanart? It's true! We've got awesome players on our Discord server who've cooked up some cool creations. Check 'em out! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/555aa602fb934718926c1bc015404d83f9945b29.jpg[/img] [i]Bundled-up Stone Guy[/i] by Tequeru [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/c32cdc7354059fb3f4246972fca12aaed18041a9.gif[/img] [i]ASCII Bow and Arrow [/i]by 김귀끠