[h2]Special Halloween Event: 2x Loot[/h2] The spirits of the Dark World have become most festive! [b]From now until November 2nd Stone Story RPG will be running a 2x Loot Event.[/b] Complete runs in the Haunted Halls to earn this extra loot (which also includes 2x Lost Item drops). [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/03d1705481f9ce8b98d09a341ed2a55c800aa1e7.png[/img] If you missed out on Challenge Event III and don’t yet possess the titanic Blade of the Fallen God, now’s your chance to find it in Delta Treasures! If you already wield Pallas’s imposing weapon, you may find a curious addition during this event… [i](For the duration of the Halloween Event, Pallas will drop two treasures. Delta Treasures dropped from Pallas have double the chance of dropping Lost Items.)[/i] [h2]StoneJam 3[/h2] To scripters, artists, and modders of all types: StoneJam returns! From November 3rd (start of day) to November 9th (end of day), we will be hosting StoneJam 3. [url=https://discord.com/invite/stonestoryrpg]The jam will take place on our Discord server,[/url] where you can share progress with fellow players, get scripting help, and join in on the community chat. [h3]What is StoneJam?[/h3] The goal of the jam is to create scripts in Stone Story RPG’s built-in scripting language, StoneScript. There are no restrictions to what you make, but it must be written in Stonescript. Additionally, themes will be revealed when StoneJam 3 starts! These themes are meant to help guide or inspire your creations and we encourage all participants to make good use of them. [h3]What can I make with Stonescript?[/h3] Stonescript is a robust, yet accessible language that can be used in a wide variety of ways. We’ve had our players mod in pets, create custom cosmetics, optimize combat, or fill out the game’s UI with extra toolsets. There are lots of different ways to approach Stonescript! [list] [*] If you are new to Stonescript, we recommend reading through the Stonescript tutorial: [url=https://stonestoryrpg.com/stonescript/]https://stonestoryrpg.com/stonescript/[/url] [*] If you would like to animate or create ASCII art with Stonescript, check out the ASCII animation tutorial hosted by the game’s creator, standardcombo: [previewyoutube=o5v-NS9o4yc;full][/previewyoutube] [*] If you would like to dive deeper into the game’s mechanics, read up on the Stonescript Manual: [url=https://stonestoryrpg.com/stonescript/manual.html]https://stonestoryrpg.com/stonescript/manual.html[/url] [/list] Take a look at some of the amazing creations that our community has made using Stonescript: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/d522a539e7e3f0f13ded296dfce28fe8baea712b.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/0af39cd54472e542642696cbb6e8e79a326f56cb.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/eeddd9bb031fcef693c09451b0ab213efc988f08.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/385423f8f64b4060c5f5e3b1fce29c18fcd71903.gif[/img]