Hey everyone! We hope you enjoyed The Stunning Update and were able to get your suped-up shiny Compound Shield. The event made for a lot of fun discussion and strategizing amongst our community; so much so that we’d like to make it a regular thing! We are pleased to announce the arrival of Challenges in Stone Story RPG, with [u]the first official Challenge starting next Saturday, May 9th.[/u] What are Challenges exactly? Read below to find out! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/7bc67f01f05ffe59b40e3e01973efaf7b635fd75.gif[/img] [h1]Lost Items[/h1] In order to explain Challenges, we must first discuss Lost Items-- a planned feature for Stone Story. Think of them as unique, named gear similar to Legendary items in ARPGs or MMOs. They are unable to be crafted like the rest of the game’s armory. Instead, they are earned through other means, like Quests (also planned) or special events. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/d63e747f9959e690cf39c3cfa1df65a9efa72167.gif[/img] The design intent with Lost Items is to further promote novel strategies. They’re created with a “Build Around Me” mentality, best exemplified in how they generate buffs. Lost Item buffs last for a set period of time, during which players can take advantage of it by swapping out for different items, discovering powerful synergies in the process. [h1] Challenge Events[/h1] How does this factor into Challenge Events? As we move forward with development, we want to work with our community to explore the game in new and interesting ways. Key to Stone Story RPG’s design philosophy is the idea of maximizing gains as efficiently as possible. This is where Challenge Events come in. Every few weeks, we will be holding limited-time events where you can obtain powerful, unique pieces of gear. As we iron out the kinks in the system’s implementation, we will be in a better place for when we eventually include Lost Items. [b]The first Challenge will take place on May 9th[/b], with more details to follow. In the meantime, make sure you sharpen your Bardiches! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/438e324cbf37b304989bfa016dae05412611e4ec.png[/img] [i]-SSRPG Team [/i]