[h2]Ki for Thee[/h2] In “Remnants of Five”, we introduced the Hotspring Shop and a new in-game currency: [b]Ki Crystals. [/b] Like the Mushroom Shop, this new store offers items that players can purchase to aid them in their adventures. However, the Hotspring Shop has a more premium stock! Whether it’s Lost Items, enchantments, or Name Tags, use your hard-earned Ki to obtain powerful new additions to your inventory. Starting today, we’re running a [u]Double-Ki Weekend! [/u] From now until Sunday, earn twice the Ki from all sources (this includes both @ and Crystals). [h3]Ki can be earned from:[/h3] [list] [*] Defeating enemies [*] Basic Ki can also be earned from unmaking items [*] Daily Crystal from the Hotspring Shop [*] The Weekly Challenge Crystal Treasure [*] Crystals from Delta Treasures [/list] Like all of our other in-game events, Double-Ki Weekends will repeat. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30519309/ad89ade1319b43330b52d87ee46fb28d1efb0655.gif[/img] [h2]Event System Tweaks[/h2] Though of the focus over the past few months has been centered around the Quest Update, the team has also been tweaking how events work. We've invested time to make sure that the event system is robust and expandable. Events are an important way for our community to engage and collaborate with one another. After all, two ASCII brains are better than one! In order to improve the experience, we've restructured how event goals are presented (such as with Wild Ride and Titan's Trial). The new system will allow players who missed an event to still get rewards! There's a fine line to balance between FOMO and fun. We never want our players to feel like we've cheated them or taken advantage of their playtime. This is why all events have the opportunity to return in some shape or form and why we wanted to address the goals and rewards. On a design level, goals ARE the reward! Think of it like this: [olist] [*] New player starts the game [*] Over time they unlock a new Legend [*] This new Legend gives them loot [*] This loot has goals attached to it [/olist] Each step of the way, we want you to be engaged. Goals are able to fill in space and give the Quests more room to breathe. Figuring this out has been a fun and challenging process! Huge thanks to all our community members for playing the game and providing valuable insight. Hope you're able to farm plenty of Ki this weekend~ -SSRPG Team