[h2]Bug Fix and Small feature Update[/h2] Good day, settlers. This is an update log for V 0.8.3. [h3][b]Features[/b][/h3][list] [*] Added Pomodoro gauge bar and control buttons (pause, cancel) to status display [*] Added an Alarm control button (cancel) to status display[/list] [h3][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h3][list] [*] Fixed "Always on Top" status not syncing correctly [*] Fixed "Always on Top" turning off after full screen to windowed mode switch [*] Fixed window repositioning after aspect ratio change [*] Fixed Pomodoro settings defaulting to cycle:0, focus: 0, break:0 [*] Fixed rewards for canceling alarm or pomodoro timer [*] Fixed double rewards on alarm finish[/list] [h3][b]Other Changes[/b][/h3][list] [*] Improved text visibility[/list]