Hello everyone! Development on the full game is progressing smoothly. Just wanted to give a brief update on some happenings with Starstruck lately. [h3]Recent Awards[/h3] First off, recently Starstruck won two awards! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34753114/c6dbfc498266f0ca469cd49166bd11ba9f63acca.png[/img] In August, Starstruck participated in [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/yogscastgames/]Yogscast[/url]'s [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/yogscastgames/sale/tinyteamsfestival/]Tiny Teams festival[/url] here on Steam. This is a great festival that happens every year where you can learn about indie games being made by smaller teams. Somehow Starstruck won a "Festival Favourite" award. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34753114/537d7dd32cb40769c7593a7ea0132877b93a6b9a.png[/img] Also, just last week, Starstruck won 1st in Game Slice's Industry Choice Awards. [url=https://gameslice.joydrop.co]Game Slice[/url] is an industry event where industry peers can play each other's games and give feedback to each other, as well as participate in discussions in panels. I'm glad the judges of the award had fun playing Starstruck's demo. [h3]Release Date News[/h3] Previously on Steam, I had put 2021 as the release date for the full game... It doesn't look like that's going to be possible, so I've changed the release date to "TBA". Basically, this is my first game, so I underestimated the amount of work. Also, because people liked the demo, I’m inspired to try to push the quality of the full game further, which may require additional time. I think it will be worth the wait. [h3]Thanks for reading[/h3] More news and updates will be coming soon, such as an update to the demo. Don't forget to wishlist and follow Starstruck on Steam, and also tell your friends to play the demo (please?)! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1054950/Starstruck_Hands_of_Time/