Double XP Weekend (August 23rd - 26th)
Author: [O] Astraea,
published 4 months ago,
The Federation is happy to let you loyal members of the Mobile Infantry know that we will be holding a [b]Double XP weekend[/b] from [b]August 23rd[/b] to [b]August 26th[/b]. Gear up, troopers, and go exterminate those pesky arachnids in the name of the Federation!
In addition, for the troopers that haven't seen it yet, Offworld made its way to Gamescom. We recently revealed details on the next planet, our single-player experience, and the next foe you'll face as part of the Mobile Infantry coming in 1.0 this October. Catch our newest Trailer and Development Diary below:
[h3][b]ST:E Gamescom Trailer[/b][/h3]
[h3][b]ST:E Gamescom Dev Diary[/b][/h3]
If you're In need of some troopers to help in your mission in ridding those bugs, come join the [url=][b]ST:E Community Discord[/b][/url] today! Team up, unlock new weapons, upgrade your gear, and the most important objective of all:
[h2][b]Kill em' all troopers![/b][/h2]