[img]http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/50981143550239065/70C7F1204FE4BEFEF1094F5F6B5058D87DBBAAC9/[/img] Greetings captains! First an apology is in order for being late on the delivery of this update. We hit some bumps in the last days, so we needed to take care of those. It did give us time to put a few more things into the game, so we've got that going for us ;). To cut a long story short, below is the latest change-list. Enjoy! [h1]CHANGE-LIST[/h1] [list] [*]FIXED: Game configuration file is now properly saved in the default game folder instead of a mod folder, if a mod was active. [*]FIXED: A problem with Bounty spotted title being separated into two lines on the [i]Station->News[/i] panel [*]FIXED: Engine sound volume is now affected with the appropriate Options slider [*]FIXED: An issue with only one fighter craft in a wing firing, while the others were just flying about like nothing important is taking place [*]FIXED: An error where ship markers would not change color to red even if they became hostile to the player [*]FIXED: A bug where a ship would turn back to friendly after the player left its vicinity [*]FIXED: [i]Material editor -> Ambient editor[/i] Save and Load buttons are displayed correctly [*]FIXED: A problem where fighters would not acquire targets [i]on-the-fly[/i], but only on launch [*]FIXED: An instance where not all fighters would return to their carrier when recalled [*]FIXED: An issue where ships would first turn hostile when attacking them, but then they turned back to neutral/allied after you destroyed one of their ships [*]FIXED: A bug in the Material editor where flares and lights from an old ambient remained in the new one, on loading the new ambient [*]FIXED: Planet icons now highlight properly on the Starchart [*]FIXED: Slow rate of firing at allied NPCs will no longer make them revert from hostile back to allied [*]FIXED: A text overlap issue when smuggling onto planets fails [*]FIXED: An issue where the [i]Planetary customs[/i] panel would overlap some other opened panel [*]FIXED: An issue where the [i]Loot[/i] panel would overlap some other opened panel [*]FIXED: Ship system prices are now displayed as intended on both the [i]Drydock->Systems[/i] tab as well as the [i]Drydock->Loadout[/i] tab [*]FIXED: [i]PTE temporarily disrupted[/i] notification is now properly displayed when the disruptor hits and NPC [*]FIXED: An error with Engineer skill [i]Hack[/i], more specifically the modifier [i]Immunity[/i]. It now works as intended. [*]FIXED: Deleting models and particles from an assembly via the Material Editor now works as intended [*]FIXED: [i]Last seen[/i] info for bounties now shows appropriate info instead of the place-holder value [*]FIXED: An issue regarding physics engine that caused problems in calculating collisions with large objects like stations [*]FIXED: A memory leak occurring when hitting a ship, that could potentially cause the game to crash [*]FIXED: F2 no longer activates the Phaseshift effect on the player's ship [*]FIXED: [i]anomaly SetPosition[/i] function now works as intended [*]FIXED: [i]Add turret[/i] button is now greyed out and unusable when a hangar slot is selected [*]FIXED: A physics error where a derelict created when a ship explodes would push the ship faaaaaaaar away [*]ADDED: SSAO (ambient occlusion) is now unlocked in the Video options and can be activated. Be careful though; remember the game isn't optimized yet ;). The options is OFF BY DEFAULT!. [*]ADDED: TDrive effect in the Video options is now added and unlocked and can be activated. Try it out, and if you don't like it, turn it back off. The options is OFF BY DEFAULT!. [*]ADDED: Camera now shakes while in [i]Power to Engines[/i] [*]ADDED: Best Buy/Sell panel is now introduced into the game in its first form [list] [*]You can access it via the starchart. A new button on the upper-right panel [*]This is the first iteration, and it will be further improved, mainly accessing it will be made easier and we'll make it easily and quickly accessible in numerous places, so you don't have to open the Starchart every time ;). [/list] [*]ADDED: All Nebulas are now added to the game map [list] [*]Gas pockets that can be found inside nebulas can be [i]Scanned[/i] and then [i]Collected[/i] as loot [*][i]Nebula collector[/i] equipment can be used on the gas pockets for increased collecting yield [*]Nebulas are visible on the Starchart, but can be toggled with the button on the top-right panel [/list] [*]ADDED: You can now enter [i]Area effects[/i] that can cause various detrimental effects [list] [*]For now, Area effects are only linked to nebulas, but in time, other objects will also be able to have them [/list] [*]ADDED: [i]Junkyard[/i] is now visible on the Starchart [*]ADDED: [i]Phaseshift[/i] equipment is now available for purchase on numerous stations [*]ADDED: [i]Scavenger nanobots[/i] equipment is now fully operational [*]ADDED: There is a chance that you will jump into the wrong location when passing through a wormhole [*]ADDED: If you have the [i]Free scientist[/i] license, you will now get paid for each anomaly you scan [*]ADDED: Some Experience is rewarded when trading [*]ADDED: Ship markers on the radar now [i]fade-in[/i] when they appear [*]ADDED: Depending on cargo value and other region-based parameters, it is possible for you to get ambushed by outlaws trying to get your cargo [*]ADDED: VO warning is now heard when your Troopers are in trouble [*]ADDED: More situations now affect player Reputation change, governed by a new database [*]ADDED: Soft-particles make nebulas blend better with other objects [*]ADDED: Camera shake slider in the Options [*]ADDED: You can now encounter various battle encounters while flying about. Warzones have higher chance of appearance, but still... be careful ;). [*]ADDED: Several new micro-events that can happen when you're undocking from a station. A lot more will be added over time. [*]UPDATED: Station equipment stock no longer replenishes each time player undocks [*]UPDATED: Stations will now also turn hostile if you start attacking its [i]friends[/i] in the vicinity [*]UPDATED: Cloaking no longer reverts attacking ships back to neutral/allied [*]UPDATED: There is a chance that cloak is deactivated when colliding [*]UPDATED: Cloak is automatically deactivated when grappling a target [*]UPDATED: Contest bounties now have proper [i]OnSeen[/i] and [i]OnKilled[/i] news texts [*]UPDATED: Numerous tooltips to display useful information [*]UPDATED: Skill hint tooltip to be properly displayed in all versions [*]UPDATED: Chase camera shortcut transferred from Boarding into Views section in the Options->Controls panel [*]UPDATED: Heroes/bounties are now always hostile towards the player [*]UPDATED: PTE no longer remains active after passing through a wormhole [*]UPDATED: Cloak no longer remains active after passing through a wormhole [*]UPDATED: Saved games list is now sorted by date instead of alphabetically [*]UPDATED: Numerous typos and errors in both German and Russian localizations [*]UPDATED: Derelict [i]cool-off[/i] shader effect [*]UPDATED: Outlaws that appear to claim a derelict, will no longer attack you if you're on good terms with them [*]UPDATED: Structures now have increased Hull [*]UPDATED: SETH activation now has its own animation as intended [*]UPDATED: Additional in-script checks are made to prevent continuous spawning of ships near derelicts, stations and structures that was possible in some instances, eventually leading to the game crashing [*]UPDATED: Numerous ship textures and materials for improved visuals [/list]