To-do list
Author: danijel,
published 11 years ago,
Starpoint Gemini 2 is a well thought-out game, but we’re always on the lookout for great ideas and suggestions. Feel free to post them on the forums and in the meantime, below is a list of features we’ll be implementing over the coming weeks. We’ll do our best to implement any suggestion wherever possible.
Here’s our very own to-do list:
[*]Fully implement and test main missions and accompanying cutscenes
[*]Fully voice-overed main mission dialogues
[*]Scripted side missions that grant special rewards
[*]More different types of Freelance missions that are generated based on player actions and allegiances
[*]More different types of random encounters generated depending on player reputation, region parameters and global events
[*]Randomly generated global events that influence anything from commodity prices and legal status to region ownership
[*]Player triggered global events that change when certain conditions are met (example: war between two factions that the player triggered while solving main missions)
[*]Fully implement and optimize large dust clouds (nebulas)
[*]Implement riftways as another fast-travel option
[*]A lot of optimization to ensure the game runs smoothly (model instancing, optimized level of detail etc.)
[*]Graphics improvement (tessellation)
[*]Fully implement 3 character classes; each with its own set of skills, skill modifiers and visuals
[*]Fully implement perks that apply special passive bonuses
[*]Complete special equipment to install on your ship
[*]Implement Licenses which grant special options and bonuses
[*]Implement Officers to fill key positions on your ship and accompanying bonuses
[*]Improve holographic panels on the outside of stations to show actual information (commodity and equipment prices, news etc..). Different logos are currently shown.
[*]Expand news section on stations and planets to show more varied information (commodity prices, global event news etc.)
[*]All around balancing of ship systems and ships
[*]Implement hiring of mercenary ships to join your fleet
[*]Implement issuing of orders to your mercenaries
[*]Improve the game world with more scenery, more events, more everything
[*]Launching and commanding fighter squadrons
[*]Balancing troopers and ship capture mechanics
[*]Detailed testing and bug squashing
[*]World editor finalization for public use
[*]Improving Material editor for ease-of-use
[*]Detailed testing of in-game options
[*]Steam workshop integration
[*]Steam achievements testing
[*]Full in-game mod integration
[*]Localization to different languages