[img=http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/279596493220578487/2291A6748780FF4A64C9155FE5542723C8502999/] We're proud to announce that Warlords is now available in the Early Access program. Warlords began as a result of the thousands and thousands of posts members of the community made during the Early Access of Staroint Gemini 2, and it is only appropriate we continue in this tradition. We're eager to see what You think of the game in its current state, what you think of our plans for it and to contribute to the discussions on the Steam board. You'll notice we've reorganized the discussion board a bit, but the key addition is the [b]Early Access Sitrep[/b]. We hope this will explain everything you wanted to know about Warlords. If not, please don't hesitate to ask. We'll be happy to answer. Two new trailers are also ready for your capable review. You can find them on the [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/419480]store page[/url]. Welcome back to Gemini, warlords!