[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/11979932/9a3c419de037a19eb41acb60181ee6f880db61cd.jpg[/img] Yes, the day has arrived. After roughly [b]40 updates during Early Access[/b], some smaller, some larger, some massive... [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/419480/Starpoint_Gemini_Warlords/]Starpoint Gemini Warlords[/url] has left the relative safety of the Early Access harbor and has begun its long-awaited voyage of full release. First and foremost, all of us here at LGM Games wish to thank everyone who purchased the game in Early Access, everyone who helped us during production with their thoughts, suggestions, critique, testing, bug-hunting or by sending us their game log files. Your help and support have been amazing and we cannot thank you enough. [h1]What's in this v1.000 update?[/h1] Now that the mushy part is done, let's check out the launch update. The big deal of this update is the storyline. The scenario is simply called [b]CAMPAIGN[/b] and our advice would be to start the game anew. A lot of changes have been made in almost all segments of the game and starting fresh is the best option. You'll also notice that the [i]Freeroam[/i], [i]Freeroam+[/i] and [i]Freeroam++[/i] scenarios are gone. They have been replaced by five distinct starting scenario which, I hope you'll agree, are an improvement. A whole lot of balances, tweaks, fixes and additions have been done as well, but I'll leave that for the complete change-log which, as always, [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/419480/discussions/0/1290690926876287046/]you can find in the discussion board[/url]. The old [i]Update[/i] thread is now entering a well-deserved retirement and we're switching to a new [i]system[/i] where each update will sport it's own thread to make things more [i]readable[/i]. [h1]What's next on the plate?[/h1] Simply put: [b]updates[/b], both smaller and larger. I'm certain that the diligent captains of the community will have plenty of things to report, be it glitches, full-on bugs or tweak and balancing requests and we most certainly have an obligation to respond. That is the priority. We thank you in advance for your patience as we steamroll through Your reports. Any reported critical issues will naturally have priority, but we're confident that we'll have more than just fixes in each update we release. [h1]How about some additional content?[/h1] That's also on the agenda, BUT NOT RIGHT AWAY. There's a staggering amount of different configurations out there in the 'verse and such issues will be among the first to be addressed. Additional content, either in the form of free content updates or as paid DLCs are something that comes afterwards. Thank you once again from me personally for putting up with my typos, for forgetting to write entries in the update change-logs and for my sometimes silly or outright stupid questions in the discussions. Enjoy Gemini and give your enemies hell! But, above all else, safe travels captains :)