Ahoy captains! As you may have noticed, the new [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/411420]Titans DLC is out![/url] [img=http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/401179010986673983/0BB9DF64789A76E1BB98937D631B622E00E012DB/] That also means we're updating the base game too, as usual. The changelist is not massive, but the improvements might just come in handy. As always, let us know if you run into any problems. Safe travels, captains! [b]CHANGE LIST[/b] [list] [*]FIXED: A problem with light weapon accuracy on lower framerate [*]FIXED: Several errors in [i]LoadSector[/i] scripts [*]FIXED: A potential error in NPC AI routines when searching for enemies [*]FIXED: Several database balancing errors in Russian, German and Polish localizations [*]UPDATED: Fighters now move more quickly [*]UPDATED: Optimized collision meshes for structures and platforms to improve performance [*]UPDATED: Junkyard optimized - Improved loading time and physics calculations [*]UPDATED: Asteroid fields optimized - Improved loading time and physics calculations [*]UPDATED: Optimized light weapon firing calculations and VFX for improved performance [*]ADDED: Maximum number of turrets per weapon battery and per ship is now increased [/list]