Hello everybody! Hope you're having a wonderful and gameful holiday season. Just popped by to hint a few notes that might pique your interest ;). We're still on a somewhat of a break, but Oliver is not giving in and keeps on burning the midnight oil. The next update is planned for mid-january and here are just a few of the highlights: [list] [*][b]Fighters[/b] - Launching fighters so they can assist you in combat [*][b]Heroes[/b] - Persistent ships you can hunt down for special rewards. The Bounty list can be accessed through the Starchart [*][b]AI improvements[/b] [list] [*]Autopilot will avoid large objects (for now, smaller object will come into play as well) [*]Attacking ships near a station friendly to them will force the station to call for reinforcements [*]Security patrols react to player attacking their friendly ships in their vicinity [*]Increased ship spawning near stations and planets [/list] [/list] We'll update the highlight thread up until the update goes live :) ! Have fun ladies and gents, and we wish you continually happy holidays!