v0.6006, January 17, 2014 ------------------------------------- Here comes the first update in 2014, one of many to come. The absolute higlight of this update are Fighters. You can now finally launch them on their mission of utter destruction. Release the Kraken! ;) We've also done some more work on the Tutorials. A new button is added on the upper-right HUD console (shaped like a question mark). This opens up a panel where you can review all unlocked tutorials whenever you need them. This is the first step on improving the general tutorial section in the game. That's only a part of the job done since the last update. The foundation of a lot more has been set and the next update is planned to come with ship visual customization (ship name, banner, colorizing etc.) IMPORTANT: We've encountered some problems with the tutorial panels a few moments ago, but we won't delay the update further. We really want you to get those fighters today ;).The fix for the tutorials will come as soon as possible (likely a day or two). A thousand apologies for these issues! Until next time, safe travels! [list] [*]FIXED: You can no longer delete [i]NewSave[/i] [*]FIXED: Starchart tutorial related crash [*]FIXED: Turret view shortcut (def. V) now works properly [*]FIXED: Mem-leak - Perks are flushed from memory on game reload [*]FIXED: Mem-leak - Officers are flushed from memory on game reload [*]FIXED: Mem-leak & exploit - Licenses could become doubled [*]FIXED: Bounty board panel can now be moved around [*]FIXED: [i]Esc[/i] button now closes the Bounty board panel and then the Starchart [*]FIXED: Text on Commodities hint is no longer cut-off [*]FIXED: A bug related to opening the tutorial and the Starchart at the same time and pressing Esc button [*]FIXED: Errors on Fighter hints [*]FIXED: Actual shortcuts are now displayed in tutorial texts [*]FIXED: Wrong hint was shown on some hangar slots in the [i]Drydock->Loadout[/i] panel [*]ADDED: A lot more random ships flying around in space. This is only the first step, as we'll return to the subject to tweak each individual region [*]ADDED: Fighter wings [list] [*]Fighters can now be launched [*]Hangar Enhancements now work properly [*]Updated hints on Hangar and Fighter wings [*]Fighter idle AI - Fly out and stay near carrier [*]Mark target (on Context menu) designates the object as fighter primary target [*]Fighter definition files added to enable modding [*]Updated Fighters.wdt database table to enable modding [*]Added sitRep panels for each fighter wing on the left side of the HUD [*]Fixed several errors on Fighter hints and added more information [*]Fighters return to carrier prior to T-Gate jump [*]Some interceptors and all bombers carry both light and heavy weapons [/list] [*]ADDED: [i]Invert mouse[/i] option in the [i]Options -> Controls[/i] panel [*]UPDATED: First step on upgrading the tutorial mechanics is implemented [list] [*]All unlocked tutorials are listed and can be accessed at any time with the button on the upper-right HUD console (shaped like a question mark) [*]Added new tutorials and changed some existing ones [/list] [*]ADDED: [i]Mark target[/i] (context menu action) is now operational for hostile ships. Fire at will is not yet influenced by this command [*]ADDED: Fighting in the vicinity of a station forces the station to call for reinforcements for help [*]ADDED: Special "heroes" - persistent ships flying around Gemini who can be hunted down for special rewards. This is ONLY the first step, as we have yet to implement randomly generated news linked to heroes and their whereabouts. [*]ADDED: Auto-pilot now avoids planets. This is the first, basic implementation, simply to avoid those annoying space collisions ;) [*]ADDED: Added new script functions (for modders; check modding.starpointgemini.com for details) [*]UPDATED: Status of "heroes" is properly saved [*]UPDATED: AI ships will use [i]Power to Engines[/i] to reach their opponent and engage them [*]UPDATED: Security and Military ships (by profession) will aid their allies if attacked within 2500 distance [*]MODDING: Updated Notepad++ script plugins (for modders; check modding.starpointgemini.com for details) [*]MODDING: Added [i]Modding section -> Modding databases[/i] on website (for modders; check modding.starpointgemini.com for details) [*]MODDING: Added [i]Miscellaneous section -> Bonuses list[/i] on website (for modders; check modding.starpointgemini.com for details) [*]MODDING: Added [i]Miscellaneous section -> Text formatting[/i] on website (for modders; check modding.starpointgemini.com for details) [/list]