[img=http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/43115753756373727/9ADB3011651E180A712A04BF7D02C22388E3C0D7/] Greetings captains! Time for the first update in 2015. This is a rather small update, primarily assembled as preparation for some bigger changes and additions to come in the next couple of updates. Check the list below for details please! Happy hunting! [b]CHANGE LIST[/b] [list] [*]FIXED: An error related to Maintenance freelance mission that would cause it to malfunction [*]FIXED: Numerous small errors to increase stability [*]FIXED: A potential error that would manifest as a [i]blue floating line[/i] on the Starchart when choosing a destination TGate [*]FIXED: Planetary landing panel now no longer [i]slides[/i] across the screen in certain instances [*]FIXED: Info panel scrollbar can now be used with the mousewheel [*]FIXED: Several smaller errors related to the Convoy escort freelance mission [list] [*]Convoy security escort will now always join the defense [*]Once destination is reached, the convoy ships are no longer marked as quest objects [*]If a marked ship in the convoy gets destroyed, the marker is removed as intended [/list] [*]FIXED: An error in the reputation calculation script when destroying ships of the Thaurian Alliance. You'll be getting positive rep now. (Thanks Dewar. I dunno how I missed it.) [*]UPDATED: Script system cleared of redundant data [*]UPDATED: A slight change related to flares to make sure nothing works out of the ordinary [*]UPDATED: Game log records more information [*]UPDATED: [i]Standard[/i] random encounters now do NOT spawn if a battle is ongoing [*]UPDATED: The game automatically slightly adjusts graphics settings on minimum configurations (more specifically graphics card) [*]UPDATED: Weapons firing range that is displayed as hint on the Drydock and the Schematics are now synced [*]UPDATED: Increased the number of freelance mission spawnpoints for Convoy escort missions [*]UPDATED: Added several modifiers to the Convoy escort freelance mission [list] [*]Ambushes can occur [*]Convoy path displayed on the starchart is now colored differently [*]If convoy leader gets to 1500 units distance from the player, the convoy slows down, almost to a halt and waits for the player to arrive [*]Convoy slows down during an attack [/list] [*]UPDATED: Older save files (both freeroam and campaign) will now include the change in the reputation system which allows you to become good or even allied with Nyx, Empire, Directorate and Thauria [*]ADDED: It is now possible to become neutral and allied with Nyx, Directorate, Empire And Thauria on older freeroam save files and after finishing the campaign mode (even if your save file is older). [*]ADDED: Game log is now recorded through a separate process, so don't be alarmed if you see a console window popup when you're entering or exiting the game [*]ADDED: OnLoadWorld script event [*]ADDED: Region info panel now available when clicking on the starchart [/list]