
Pretty much everyone who’s played Starfield has returned to Earth, either to pursue a mission or just out of curiosity, and a new mod aims to ensure that those touching down on humanity’s home planet won’t be left disappointed.

While it does boast a number of interesting locations and landmarks to visit, most of which offer glimpses at the world that existed before people took to the stars and founded the Settled Systems, Starfield’s Earth is generally a pretty barren wasteland. Luckily for those who want a bit more excitement next time they jump back to where it all began, modder wSkeever has decided to spice things up a bit.

Their mod, which is called ‘Human Activity on Earth - Man-made Points of Interest’, accomplishes this by removing Earth from the list of planets designated as not having a human presence. This means the game will be able to populate it with human-themed points of interest, such as abandoned outposts and spots where ships, including pirate vessels, will land, giving you some dynamic stuff to check out.

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