
Reality set in for console gamers when Bethesda revealed during Summer Game Fest 2023 that Starfield's frame rate will be capped at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S. While current-gen consoles enjoyed a brief period of solid 60fps performance modes, we're starting to see triple-A titles revert to being best played at a 30fps lock. While this is the new(old) norm on consoles, word of a low frame rate lock would be like nails on a chalkboard for PC players.

The Starfield Direct likely convinced people with aging rigs to upgrade their machines for the first time in years, but our gaming standards are higher than they've ever been. Technology has evolved to the point where 60fps is viewed by some as low. With that in mind, we need to know that Starfield on PC won't be held back by a low frame rate cap, allowing us to push to 120fps or beyond.

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