
Starfield new game plus is the gift that keeps on giving. In most RPGS - or most other games, period - when you start over, all it means is keeping your weapons, abilities, and character stats, and perhaps having the opportunity to crush and punish the bosses that drove you to despair on your first playthrough. Bethesda, though, is doing something very different. The Fallout, Skyrim, and Elder Scrolls creator has hidden a variety of secrets in repeat Starfield runs, including one that removes and replaces the entirety of Constellation. If you thought you'd seen everything the Settled Systems has to offer, think again. As you might have imagined, major Starfield spoilers lie ahead.

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Starfield can't compete with Skyrim or Fallout on Steam Deck
Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim
Starfield needs mods more than Skyrim ever did