
Science fiction is a genre that loves to imagine fun, new vectors for human misery. Maybe we'll end up in a future where alien embryos might erupt from our chest cavities. Maybe an evil sorcerer with a big space gun will start blowing up planets. If Warhammer 40,000 is any metric, we've got about 39 millennia before there is literally only war. And yet, somehow, Bethesda has created a future even more terrible: In Starfield, humanity's lost a lot of its very good boys.

The reporting comes courtesy of novelty Twitter account Can You Pet the Dog, which tweeted a screenshot of Starfield's item description for the Chocolate Labs food consumable. "Centauri Mills' chocolate, shaped like an extinct canine called a Labrador Retriever," the description says. It also notes that the consumable restores five health, which I think we can all agree doesn't quite undo the psychic damage it just inflicted. Also, Centauri Mills, if you're listening? Morbid branding decision, folks... Read more.