[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459272/d3a7e08b3c70680832d341503c6d8b527c3bcd07.jpg[/img] The Universe is infinite. Just as the way of its cognition. Sometimes questions are more important than the answers received. Excerpts from the memorandum of Dr. Parks prepared for the annual meeting of directors of the Federation corporations in the fringe sectors. [quote]... What do we know about the so-called Revenants and Mrs. Summer? It’s a secret organization with unclear motives. Murderers and terrorists. Or are they the secret defenders of the existing world? Their motives are not completely clear to us. And their goals are unknown. A secret organization that originates from the few remaining followers of the Frontier that haven’t left the Solar System. There are still agents of revenants in many human structures nowadays. Later, they betrayed Jericho, and most likely contributed to Bartle’ death. Representatives of Mendes say that their sacred duty is to destroy the Revenants. According to them, the cult has warped the teachings of Bartle, and is a threat to all mankind. We know that in the war with the Aliens, the Revenants fought on the side of the Bions and biomorphs. They awakened them by infecting cities and planets with the biomorph virus. Most likely, they’re involved in the events in the “Doomed Flotilla” sector and the death of the Monolith — the ancient shrine of the Liu Family. We suspect that the Revenants had already visited the worlds of Crystallids long before the war. What were they looking for there? And what did they find? How did it happen that their vassals — these dregs of society, Cybers, who previously played every whim of them, became their enemies? Now we already know for sure that it was the Cybers who opened the gates for the Crystallid invasion and initiated the beginning of the war. We also know that Revenants and Summer tried to stop them. The story of the beginning of the War is still extremely curious and confusing. Most of the sources of information were lost during the Invasion. It was the Revenants who first trained the Cybers to open the gates, and when they wanted to open them to the Crystallids, the Revenants tried to prevent it with all their might. Here’s the main question. Who were all these devices that the Revenants originally built for? Has anyone else passed through the open gates?[/quote] [hr][/hr][h1]Event “Awakening”[/h1][hr][/hr] Pilots, the “Awakening” event will be held in two stages. There are 40 levels in each stage. Only the owners of a special Pass will be able to unlock all levels. But the first and every fifth level will be available to all pilots. To get a reward, you need to unlock the necessary level. In order to get access to the next reward, you need to complete all the previous levels. You can join the stage at any time when the stage is available. The event will last for three months. During the entire period, all pilots will be able to earn a special game currency in battles — Xenochips. [list] [*] Xenochips can be obtained for completing any tasks as an additional reward. [*] Xenochips are introduced into the game for a limited time and after the end of the event will be removed from the game and from the accounts of the pilots. We recommend that you have time to spend xenochips before the end of the event! [*] Xenochips can be spent to receive special rewards during the event. [/list] [h2]Awakening. Stage two. Special bundles and rewards[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459272/9749a27bc3b59aed6bf63ec76b5f823a8e10912c.jpg[/img] To get access to all the rewards, pilots need to purchase an “Awakening. Stage one” pass. The pass [url=Star Conflict 1.11.7 Awakening. Stage two]can be purchased in the official store of the project[/url]. [h3]Special pack “Awakening. Stage two”[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2299832/Star_Conflict__Awakening_Stage_two/ This pack includes: [list] [*] Access to additional rewards in the event “Awakening. Stage two”; [*] Upon receiving the pack, the next level is immediately opened and all the rewards of the open levels are available; [*] 7 days of premium license. [/list] [h3]Special pack “Awakening. Stage two (Deluxe edition)” [/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2299833/Star_Conflict__Awakening_Stage_two_Deluxe_edition/ A special version of the “Awakening. Stage two” pass. The pass can be purchased in the official store of the project. [b]This pack includes:[/b] [list] [*] Access to additional rewards in the event “Awakening. Stage two”; [*] Upon receiving the pack, the next 15 levels are immediately opened and all the rewards of the open levels are available; [*] 30 days of premium license. [/list] [h2]Rewards of the second stage:[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459272/ba9f69b0f559a270309d983117dd96145e4512d3.png[/img] [expand type=details] [table] [tr][th][b]Level[/b][/th][th][b]Reward (* — available with a pass)[/b][/th][/tr] [tr][td][b]1[/b][/td][td][b]New portrait[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td]2[/td][td]Pattern*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]3[/td][td]New taunt*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]4[/td][td]Colour*[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]5[/b][/td][td][b]Sticker pack[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td]6[/td][td]Special bonus up to +50% experience in battle (valid for 15 battles)*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]7[/td][td]Pattern*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]8[/td][td]New portrait*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]9[/td][td]Ellydium destroyer Ze'Ta parts*[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]10[/b][/td][td][b]New decor[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td]11[/td][td]1250000 pts. of free experience*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]12[/td][td]New large seed-chip pack*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]13[/td][td]One of the four necessary parts of the ship "Confessor"*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]14[/td][td]Pattern*[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]15[/b][/td][td][b]New taunt[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td]16[/td][td]Access to special contracts: allows up to 70 GS daily (valid for 30 days)*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]17[/td][td]Sticker pack*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]18[/td][td]Colour*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]19[/td][td]New taunt*[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]20[/b][/td][td][b]Pattern[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td]21[/td][td]New decor*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]22[/td][td]New portrait*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]23[/td][td]Special bonus up to +50% credits in battle (valid for 15 battles)*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]24[/td][td]New taunt*[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]25[/b][/td][td][b]One of the four necessary parts of the ship "Confessor"[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td]26[/td][td]Pattern*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]27[/td][td]Sticker pack*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]28[/td][td]Resource pack*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]29[/td][td]New portrait*[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]30[/b][/td][td][b]Colour[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td]31[/td][td]New taunt*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]32[/td][td]New decor*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]33[/td][td]Rare Earth metals pack[/td][/tr] [tr][td]34[/td][td]Premium ship or resources of choice (available 24 hours in the game store)*[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]35[/b][/td][td][b]New portrait[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td]36[/td][td]Sticker pack*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]37[/td][td]Special bonus: up to +50% to experience and credits in battle (valid for 30 battles)*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]38[/td][td]Pattern*[/td][/tr] [tr][td]39[/td][td]New taunt*[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]40[/b][/td][td][b]The "Natural born hunter" bundle that includes a special part of the ship "Confessor", decor "Edges of horror", title "Natural born hunter"[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]41[/b][/td][td][b]Access to special packs that can be purchased in the store for xenochips[/b][/td][/tr] [/table] [b]Pack contents:[/b] [list] [*] Additional cell. A crate with rare earth metals.[list] [*] Contains 10 Rare earth metals. [/list][*] Additional cell. Free experience.[list] [*] Contains 25000 pts. of free experience. [/list][*] Additional cell. Monocrystals.[list] [*] Contains 5 monocrystals [/list][*] Additional cell. Xenocrystals.[list] [*] Contains 5 xenocrystals. [/list][*] Additional cell. Credits +50%.[list] [*] Contains a bonus of +50% credits for 24 hours. [/list][/list] [/expand] [hr][/hr][h1]Jericho rank 16 guard frigate “Confessor”[/h1][hr][/hr] [previewyoutube=w3CrTQ2Bn-g;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Special module “Adaptive restoration system”[/b] [list] [*] Accumulates a charge for damage dealt to the ship’s shield which increases the shield resistance. Upon activation, it spends all charges to restore the shield and gives a bonus to speed. [/list] [b]Active module “Front pyro emitter”[/b] [list] [*] For a few seconds pumps a cloud of charged particles that then ignites and deals thermal damage to all ships in range. [/list] [b]Weapon “Sonex spear”[/b] [list] [*] Thermal explosive crossbow. [*] Fires flaming bolts. The explosion of the bolt pierces objects for 550 m. If enemies struck by the explosion open fire, they deal thermal damage to themselves. [/list] [b]Special part of the ship:[/b] [list] [*] 4 parts are needed for the production of the ship. [*] Can be received in the “Awakening” event as a reward. [/list] [hr][/hr][h1]New packs “Star Conflict: Confessor” and “Star Conflict: Confessor. Deluxe edition”[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459272/a30546a92306507c568f2070d0925ac19189eb99.jpg[/img][hr][/hr] Pilots! The “Star Conflict: Confessor” and “Star Conflict: Confessor. Deluxe edition” packs are [url=Star Conflict 1.11.7 Awakening. Stage two]now available in the official project store[/url]. The Deluxe edition pack will be available for a limited time until June 5. The ship will be available to pilots with no time limit. [h2]Star Conflict: Confessor. Deluxe edition[/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2366011/Star_Conflict__Confessor_Deluxe_Edition/ [expand type=details] [b]Данный набор включает:[/b] [list] [*] Jericho rank 16 cover frigate “Confessor” [*] Active module “Front pyro emitter” [*] Weapon “Sonex spear” [*] Unique portrait “Lazarus the Preacher” [*] Special decor “Frightening charm” [*] Pattern “Caesar’s cipher” [*] Taunt “Your sins are absolved” [/list] [b]Additionally, the pilot receives the modules:[/b] [list] [*] Pulsar [*] Multiphase shield adapter [*] Energy converter [*] Shared cooler [*] Iridium heatsink [*] Acceleration coils [*] Auxiliary shield projector [*] EM-diffuser [*] Asynchronous shield projector [*] Crystal plates [*] Proton wall [*] Gun adapter [/list] Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 90 days! [/expand] [h2]Star Conflict: Confessor[/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2366010/Star_Conflict__Confessor/ [expand type=details] [b]This pack includes:[/b] [list] [*] Jericho rank 16 cover frigate “Confessor” [*] Active module “Front pyro emitter” [*] Weapon “Sonex spear” [*] Unique portrait “Lazarus the Preacher” [/list] Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days! [/expand] [quote]The first ships of this type were seen in 4622 in the Solaris system under the banners of the Raid. The frigates weren’t responding to the contact requests, but they weren’t attacking first as well. A group of mercenaries attacked a lone ship on a dare. The attack failed: they couldn’t break the ship’s shield and in the course of counterattack the frigate destroyed the majority of the attackers, forcing them to retreat. According to their stories, the ship’s pilot contacted them during the battle and offered to confess before dying. Because of this, the frigate was codenamed “Confessor”, and this name stuck with it after the first official publications about the ship. Shortly thereafter, the UMC was contacted by old Jericho contacts who offered to hand over a small batch of these frigates to the mercenaries in exchange for certain information. Whether this is true or not remains unknown. At the moment, a small circle of the UMC pilots close to the Mendes family did get their own ships, but they are in no rush to get in touch and provide details. It is only known that the control systems of “Confessor” are extremely difficult to operate, which makes them almost impossible to use without special implants. According to rumours, the UMC is working on adapting the systems to the needs of ordinary pilots, but there has been no visible success.[/quote] [hr][/hr][h1]Event “Dream armada”[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459272/84c32b55fc5420c4b27ef28fe7b2f7965fd9b327.jpg[/img][hr][/hr] [previewyoutube=4xNSU6Y6WlU;full][/previewyoutube] Pilots, the UMC opens a retrofitting program for mercenaries that reached rank 5. Make 10 flights daily and get materials for creating ships of rank 15 as a reward. The reward will change every five days, don't miss the resources you need! The event is available until May 29. [b]The following ships that also have new modules available take part in the event:[/b] [list] [*] Cyning[list] [*] Hacking booster “Konung” [*] A ship can capture the beacons much faster when activated but becomes less mobile [/list][*] Mjolnir[list] [*] Crushing blow [*] Accumulates a charge for all damage dealt. Upon activation, it spends the accumulated charges and deals powerful kinetic damage to the enemy [/list][*] Kraken[list] [*] Gravitational defence projector [*] The farther away from the ship the enemy fires at it, the less damage it deals [/list][*] Peregrine[list] [*] Electronic interference dispenser [*] Sprays clouds of electronic interference. Enemies caught in the cloud can’t use radar. The interference also negatively affects the resistance of the shield and hull [/list][*] Jaguar[list] [*] Artillery barrier drone [*] Sets rapid-fire drone with a mortar next to the ship [/list][*] Octopus[list] [*] Restoring projector [*] Projects a beam in the direction of the ship’s crosshairs, that restores shield and hull for the allied ships [/list][*] Caltrop[list] [*] Stasis mine [*] Places a mine next to the ship. Detonating a mine creates an area with a stasis field around it. All enemies that get into the area lose the ability to move, use modules and weapons [/list][*] Saw One[list] [*] “Downpour” system [*] Increases the rate of fire and firing range of allies’ main weapons. [/list][*] Ronin[list] [*] Field generator “Shadow of Bartle” [*] Imposes invisibility on all allies in range for a long time, but remains visible itself [/list][/list] [hr][/hr][h1]“Orion’s Belt” brawl[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459272/bf21b08d09a76057b749d2af60ee90dcc546f61a.jpg[/img][hr][/hr] [quote] lot of time has passed since the discovery of sectors in which, as mercenaries believe, there are traces of the Precursors. These are places that Dr. Pavlov considered to be one of the main mysteries of ancient civilizations. Despite this, interest in the sectors has not declined to this day. Everyone, from an ordinary mercenary to an influential factional figure, hopes to make money by finding something valuable here. There are also followers of Pavlov. Enthusiasts from all over the world are trying to find something unknown and precious in the sectors, fighting for the opportunity to scan each asteroid. Occasionally, several expeditions meet in a battle for “possible” and “expensive” data, creating a real cross battlefield where it is almost impossible to tell who is with your team and who is an alien.[/quote] [list] [*] The brawl is available every day until May 14. The rest of the brawls will be disabled during this time. [*] The battle involves players divided into three teams. [*] Players use their own ships in battle. [*] All ships in the battle can be used an unlimited number of times. [*] Special points are given for the destruction of enemy teams. [*] The team that scored 30 points or destroyed more enemies in the given time wins. [/list] Players can get new achievements for victories in the “Orion’s Belt” mode: [list] [*] “Team player” achievement for 5 victories [*] “Team’s hope” achievement for 10 victories [*] “Dream teammate” achievement for 40 victories [/list] [h2]“Orion’s Belt” brawl marathon[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459272/820a5bad7191710cf0522aca6187e0759001e01a.jpg[/img] Attention all pilots! The UMC received an emergency contract from the so-called Broker. [list] [*] All mercenaries, who took places from 1 to 10 in the brawl leaderboards recorded by the UMC engineers on May 14, will get 500 monocrystals and 1000 GS, unique paint “Defender's camouflage”, taunt “I feel really sorry for you... Actually no, I don’t;)”, title “Star lord”, portrait “Andreas Linerri”; [*] AAll pilots who took places from 11 to 25 in the brawl leaderboards recorded by the UMC engineers on May 14, will receive 500 xenocrystals, pattern “Rift”, taunt “Warning! Beacon capture attracts explosives!”, title “Legendary”, portrait “Leila Yamaguchi”; [*] AAll pilots who took places from 26 to 40 in the leaderboards recorded by the UMC engineers on May 14, will receive 300 xenocrystals, pattern “Drips”, taunt “Did you see it? A pirate has disappeared from the radar!”, title “Omnipresent”, portrait “Nura O’Lay”. [/list] [hr][/hr][h1]New temporary packs in the game store[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459272/01e872cae0bba599082680c6da9c6cd5a1e0ad3e.jpg[/img][hr][/hr] Pilots! From April 25 to May 29, new offers are waiting for you in the game store. [h3]The following packs for galactic standards have become available in the store[/h3] [b]Seeker of Hope[/b] [list] [*] Portrait №110 “Svetlana Polzunova” [*] Decor “Cool breeze” [*] Pattern “Memento” [*] Taunt “Try to catch up!” [*] 50% credit bonus for 30 battles [/list] [b]Jericho Brotherhood[/b] [list] [*] Portrait №111 “Michelle Arnault” [*] Decor “Direct hit” [*] Pattern “Crimson storm” [*] Taunt “Time for some rest!” [*] 50% experience bonus for 30 battles [/list] [b]Imperial Legion[/b] [list] [*] Portrait №118 “Harvey Cross” [*] Decor “Guardian” [*] Pattern “Wood grain” [*] Taunt “I'm always at the front of this race!” [*] 50% credit bonus for 30 battles [/list] [b]Sandra’s deal[/b] [list] [*] Portrait №115 “Sandra Perkins” [*] Decor “Jaws of steel” [*] Pattern “Waves of joy” [*] Taunt “Did you see that?! I can't do it again!” [*] 50% experience bonus for 30 battles [/list] [b]Jose’s agreement[/b] [list] [*] Portrait №113 ”Jose Espinosa Lozano” [*] Decor “Iron Roger” [*] Pattern “Firestorm” [*] Taunt “It’s incredibly invigorating when someone’s life is in your hands!” [*] 50% credit bonus for 30 battles [/list] [hr][/hr][h1]Ships[/h1][hr][/hr] [b]Ships of the special project rank 15[/b] [list] [*] Blueprints needed for producing ships have been reworked [/list] [b]Raven[/b] [list] [*] EMR-3 launcher[list] [*] Projectile speed increased by 750 m/s [*] Rate of fire increased by 17% [*] Firing range reduced to 4500 m [/list][*] Harpoon M1[list] [*] Firing range increased to 2500 m [*] Active time reduced to 15 sec. [*] Enemy pull speed increased [*] Projectile size increased [/list][*] Special module[list] [*] Now when activated, the boost of ship’ shield damage resistance is reduced to 30 pts. [/list][*] Added new bonuses to the ship:[list] [*] Maximum capacitor volume increased by 30% [*] Maximum speed increased by 10% [/list][/list] [b]Sai[/b] [list] [*] The rank of the ship has been changed to 17 [*] Special module[list] [*] Now makes the ship invisible during the jump [/list][*] Now the “Trampoline” module is available for installation on the ship: [list] [*] Energy consumption of the module was increased to 200 pts. [/list][/list] [b]Scylla[/b] [list] [*] The following items were added to DLC “Star Conflict: Scylla”[list] [*] EM weapon “Energoplasmer” [*] Active module “Farstation” [*] CPU modifier “Improved repair algorithms” [/list][/list] [hr][/hr][h1]Changes in the trading[/h1][hr][/hr] [b]The following parts of Salyut-ST ship are available for trade:[/b] [list] [*] Salyut-ST hull part [*] Salyut-ST cabin [*] Electromagnetic refractor [/list] [hr][/hr][h1]Балансные правки[/h1][hr][/hr] [b]Stingray[/b] [list] [*] Ship acceleration forward and backward increased by 35% [/list] [b]Overclocked Blaster[/b] [list] [*] Time to overheat increased from 3 to 5 sec. [/list] [b]Compression railgun[/b] [list] [*] Base spread reduced from 2 to 1,5 degrees. [/list] [b]Gordon’s missile launcher[/b] [list] [*] Flight speed increased to:[list] [*] Ranks 2-6: 2150 m/s [*] Ranks 12-17: 2250 m/s [/list][*] Missile rotation speed increased by 15% [/list] [b]Shrapnel weapon “Bear claw”[/b] [list] [*] Base spread reduced from 5 to 3,5 degrees. [*] Time to overheat reduced from 7 to 9 sec [/list] [b]Echo cannon[/b] [list] [*] Critical damage bonus reduced from 75% to 50% [/list] [b]Phase shield, Raid phase shield, Techs phase shield[/b] [list] [*] Time of speed increase when switching the special module increased from 10 to 15 sec. [/list] [b]“Twin” protocol[/b] [list] [*] Recharge time reduced from 40 to 30 sec. [/list] [b]Defence system “Brotherhood”[/b] [list] [*] Energy consumption reduced from 255 to 215 pts./sec. [/list] [b]Liquid Metal Injector[/b] [list] [*] Cooldown reduced from 70 to 50 sec. [/list] [b]Repelling shield[/b] [list] [*] The shield’s durability increased from 7725 to 10000 pts. [/list] [b]Guard drone[/b] [list] [*] Cooldown reduced from 43 to 30 sec. [/list] [b]“Shadow” mine (MiG-105)[/b] [list] [*] Mine activation time reduced from 2,5 to 1 sec. [/list] Heavy Guard Drone [list] [*] Module cooldown is reduced from 43 to 35 sec. [/list] [b]Energy anomaly[/b] [list] [*] The anomaly’s active time reduced by 50% [*] Damage to the shield per second increased by 100% [/list] [b]Safety switch[/b] [list] [*] Active time increased from 6 to 8 sec. [/list] [b]Emergency barrier[/b] [list] [*] Now can be installed only in a single instance [/list] [b]Salyut-ST[/b] [list] [*] Removed the computer modifier slot, added the hull modifier slot [/list] [b]Plasmatron[/b] [list] [*] Explosion damage reduced by 15% [/list] [b]Involuntary treatment[/b] [list] [*] The distance at which the infection is transmitted between ships increased by 500 m. [/list] [b]Hand of Helheim[/b] [list] [*] Duration of the damage resistance bonus increased from 40 to 80 sec. [/list] [b]Plasma web, plasma shackles[/b] [list] [*] Cooldown reduced from 45 to 40 sec. [/list] [b]Vanguard Plasma Web, Armada Plasma Web[/b] [list] [*] Cooldown reduced from 50 to 45 sec. [/list] [b]Plasma web “Wasp”, Involuntary treatment[/b] [list] [*] Cooldown reduced from 40 to 35 sec. [/list] [b]Plasma web, Vanguard Plasma Web, Armada Plasma Web[/b] [list] [*] Drop threshold reduced from 80 to 50%. [/list] [hr][/hr][h1]Bug fixes[/h1][hr][/hr] [list] [*] Improved a number of in-game texts and descriptions [*] Fixed a bug of “Combat Reboot” affecting the “Discharge plasma web” [/list]