[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/24bceba50911cfbe052d4f1261cf31840f99aa40.png[/img] Hello to all Zone researchers! We are pleased to announce the launch of a contest dedicated to creating unique stories that somehow took place in the Chernobyl Zone of Exclusion. Entries are open to all researchers, and the best stories will be included in the official Zone chronicles. We obviously didn't come empty-handed. Our backpack is full of worthy prizes: thousands of Stalcoins, a pile of trade coins, premiums, and, you already know it, the unique [b]Storyteller's Cloak[/b]! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/ccd79fa99847132530e62872931ddaa306ca46a8.jpg[/img] [h2]How does it work?[/h2] To participate in the contest, you need to write a short (300-700 words) story that tells about your adventures in the Zone. It can be a story about your first day in the Zone, or how you met your Zone BFF, or about how you got out of a mess extracting with a legendary Shard, being on the brink of death. You should post your work in a dedicated thread on our [url=https://bit.ly/3ynFfYV]STALCRAFT | ENG Discord[/url]. Don't forget to specify your nickname before posting, as it will be the one to which the award will be sent in case of winning. Implementing the AI is allowed, [i]but only as inspiration[/i]. Works created exclusively with the help of AI will [b]not[/b] be considered. [list] [*] The contest period is from 20.05 to 30.05 inclusive. [*] The results will be announced on 11.06.[/list] [h2]Check out the contest rules before participating:[/h2] [olist] [*] When adding your work to the contest topic, you should write your character's nickname exactly as it is spelled in the game. [*] It is forbidden to publish content that violates the rules and regulations of the Discord platform. [*] It is forbidden to publish works that are not related to the game, including advertising links, materials, insults, appeals, etc. [*] The number of works is unlimited, each player can make up multiple stories. But we recommend not to abuse sending the same work, as it will lead to disqualification. [*] The copyright of the work belongs to its creator. Plagiarism, misappropriation and copyright infringement are strictly prohibited. [*] EXBO reserves the right to disqualify works of participants who are found to be in violation of clauses 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 4.1.9 of the license agreement. [b]The EXBO Information Resources Team reserves the right to finalize the terms and conditions of this event.[/b] [/olist] [h2]Prizes[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/9b2123fe9fefe32f6f21bf0c7fa6978c7f6a7c01.png[/img] [i]Note that all awards that will be given are bound.[/i] [b]The works of the top 3 places will be added in a special stand straight into the game![/b] Good luck to all of you researchers. And remember, your every word will become a part of the great history!