[h2]Changes[/h2] Increased the number and strength of Freedom patrols near their base. Added display of built-in NVG type in costume descriptions: [img]https://sun9-31.userapi.com/impg/Z186RynXe2STn-nSVMJrkLXjISpI1OpeE8GAJA/G8orJDcmKVc.jpg?size=645x505&quality=96&sign=1484c7f07188fe4dd37d47a816ad9ac6&type=album[/img] Added ability to jump to information about compatible items from the compatibility list of modules/paintings: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/8a204e3dc708f15ae797da28324ec1e2378c593d.gif[/img] Added Clanmaster to clan bases to allow for the replenishment of the clan treasury: [img]https://sun9-24.userapi.com/impg/hHZwDftxLiOVEyJeszFETlF2QzhoaPOqjxzb1A/me9tQ2A2_iw.jpg?size=953x667&quality=96&sign=903c001d981678688668c84c1da26597&type=album[/img] [hr][/hr] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Corrected a bug that caused the step-by-step reload animation to be interrupted early and not run in its entirety. [*] Fixed bug that caused shotgun shots to cause reduced damage during reloading. [/list] [hr][/hr] Thank you for tuning in, and best of luck on your hunts in the Zone!