[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/f9317cd1edaa0bac3b8bc5cc1ddd30c7e5c24885.png[/img] [h2]Netcode[/h2] [b]The server stops processing player movement if incoming traffic is delayed for more than 1 second.[/b] That is, if your internet goes down for 2 seconds, you will find that your character remains where it was 2 seconds ago. In addition, any shots fired during that time will not be registered. [b]The ammo counter is now correctly synchronized if the server has not registered a shot.[/b] Also, this counter is now instantly updated when changing the active weapon. [b]Reduced the speed of processing movement for players experiencing minor connection stability issues.[/b] Previously, a "lagging" player would move jerkily at a speed up to x2 of normal, now - up to x1.5. [table] [tr] [td]Unfortunately, this solution is a compromise - it means that it will now take twice as long to restore stable game performance after a brief network instability.[/td] [/tr] [/table] During shooting, the character's movement and rate of fire can no longer be accelerated to compensate for unstable connectivity. [b]The principle of speedhack protection has been changed.[/b] Now, if the server thinks your game is running too slow or too fast, you will no longer be disconnected from the server. Instead, the same thing will happen as with connection problems: you will be slightly teleported back and synchronization will be restored. [b]Fixed the possibility to get infinite stamina[/b] with forbidden modifications of the game. [h2]Parts[/h2] [b]Doubled the chance[/b] of getting cheap and standard parts for clearing open world events. [table] [tr] [td]The change in the chance of getting parts was made based on analytics data. We continue to monitor the number of parts and tools received further.[/td] [/tr] [/table] Thank you for your attention, and good hunting in the Zone!